***************************************************************** „Weeds„ Super Bad Ass Keyboard and Mouse Setup for Counter-Strike ***************************************************************** I use my keyboard and my mouse simultaneously when I play any FPS PC game (Day of Defeat, DOOM, Duke Nukem 3D, Heretic, Hexen, Quake, Unreal, etc...), as most other players do for these types of games. Where I differ from the other players is exactly *HOW* I use my keyboard and my mouse in these games. I control the mouse with my right hand; with the left mouse button (right index finger) configured for "move forward" within the game, the middle mouse button (also my right index finger) configured for "move backward", the right mouse button (right middle finger) configured for "look strafe on", and my left hand controlling the QWERTY and SPACEBAR keys on my keyboard. I rest my little finger on the "Q" key for "jump", my ring finger on the "W" key for "crouch", my middle finger on the "E" key to disable mouse "aim" and "look", my index finger on the "R" key for "fire weapon", and my thumb on the SPACEBAR to run or "sprint", or to open doors and push buttons or light switches (if the game supports these features). I then use the "E" key to temporarily disable mouse "aim" and "look" (and enable "look spring") when needed. This allows me to normally use the mouse "X" and "Y" axes for precise movement where required (balancing on a beam, walking on a narrow bridge, etc...), as well as using the left mouse button for forward motion (sliding the mouse left and right to turn towards the left and right while running, or simultaneously pressing the right mouse button to strafe while running), and the middle mouse button for backward motion. I disable mouse "aim" and "look" only when I do not require them. The following keyboard and mouse setup for Counter-Strike (as well as Counter-Strike: Condition Zero, and Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Deleted Scenes) was adapted from my Day of Defeat controller setup (which was adapted from my older Duke Nukem 3D and Unreal controller setups) that I have used for years, and can easily be adapted to virtually *ANY* FPS PC game. Legend ====== Action (System Console Command / Notes) -------- Key -------------- Alternate Key Left Mouse Button (MOUSE1) --------------------- Middle Mouse Button (MOUSE3) ------------------- Right Mouse Button (MOUSE2) -------------------- Mouse Wheel Up (MWHEELUP) ---------------------- Mouse Wheel Down (MWHEELDOWN) ------------------ Left Hand Keys #1 ================= Jump / Crouched Jump (+jump;+duck / *01) ------- Q Crouch (+duck) --------------------------------- W Mouse Aiming and Look (+mlook / *02) ----------- E Primary Fire / Arm Bomb (+attack) -------------- R ---------------- / Secondary Fire (+attack2) ---------------------- T Reload Weapon (+reload) ------------------------ Y Walk (+speed) ---------------------------------- Left Hand Keys #2 ================= Swim Up / Freelook Move Up (+moveup) ----------- A Swim Down / Freelook Move Down (+movedown) ----- S Flashlight / Nightvision (impulse 100 / *03) --- D Nightvision (nightvision / *04) ---------------- F Spray Logo (impulse 201) ----------------------- G Left Hand Keys #3 ================= Display In-Game Menu (+commandmenu) ------------ Z Chat Message: Team (messagemode2) -------------- X Chat Message: All (messagemode) ---------------- C Standard Radio Messages (radio1) --------------- V Group Radio Messages (radio2) ------------------ B Report / Response Radio Messages (radio3) ------ N Voice Chat Push-To-Talk Key (+voicerecord) ----- Right Hand Mouse And Movement Keys ================================== Move Forward (+forward) ------------------------ ------------ Move Backward (+back) -------------------------- ------------ Look Strafe On (lookstrafe 1 / *05) ------------ Turn Left (+left) ------------------------------ Turn Right (+right) ---------------------------- Strafe Left (+moveleft) ------------------------ , Strafe Right (+moveright) ---------------------- . Strafe On (+strafe) ---------------------------- Weapon, Inventory, and Hostage Keys =================================== Weapon 1: Primary (slot1 / *06) ---------------- 1 Weapon 2: Handgun (slot2 / *06) ---------------- 2 Weapon 3: Manual (slot3 / *06) ----------------- 3 Weapon 4: Grenade (slot4 / *06) ---------------- 4 Weapon 5: Bomb (slot5 / *06) ------------------- 5 Weapon 6: none (slot6 / *06) ------------------- 6 Weapon 7: none (slot7 / *06) ------------------- 7 Weapon 8: none (slot8 / *06) ------------------- 8 Weapon 9: none (slot9 / *06) ------------------- 9 Weapon 0: none (slot10 / *06) ------------------ 0 Previous Weapon (invprev / *06) ---------------- - ---------------- Next Weapon (invnext / *06) -------------------- = ---------------- Last Weapon Used (lastinv) --------------------- P Drop Current Weapon / Item (drop) -------------- Use Item / Defuse Bomb / Order Hostage (+use) -- Weapon and Equipment Buy Menus and Keys ======================================= Buy Menu (buy) --------------------------------- [ Buy Equipment Menu (buyequip) ------------------ K Buy Ammo (buyammo# / *07) ---------------------- M Buy Rifle Package (buy_preset 1) --------------- \ Rebuy (rebuy) ---------------------------------- Autobuy (autobuy) ------------------------------ U Radar, Crosshair, HUD, and Tutorial Keys ======================================== Cycle Radar Type (cl_radartype 1 / *08) -------- Cycle XHair Color (cl_crosshair_color / *09) --- Toggle HUD (hud_draw 0 / *10) ------------------ Toggle Tutorial (tutor_toggle) ----------------- Player Team, Name, and Kill Keys ================================ Change Team (chooseteam) ----------------------- ] Change Player Name (name / *11) ---------------- H Kill Player (kill / *12) ----------------------- Scores, Mission Objectives, and Map Briefing Keys ================================================= Display Scores / Mission Objectives (*13) ------ Display Map Briefing / Readme (showbriefing) --- View Keys ========= Keyboard Look On (+klook) ---------------------- Look Up (+lookup) ------------------------------ Look Down (+lookdown) -------------------------- Center View (centerview) ----------------------- HLTV Spectator Mode Keys ======================== Show Spectator Menu (+duck) -------------------- W Change View Modes (+jump / *01) ---------------- Q Toggle Inset Window and Modes (+use / *14) ----- Toggle Inset Window Mode (spec_toggleinset) ---- Follow Previous Player (+attack2) -------------- T Follow Next Player (+attack) ------------------- R ---------------- / Spectate Team / Anyone (mp_forcecamera / *15) -- Cheer (cheer / *16) ---------------------------- J Watch Player ----------------------------------- Right-click name on scoreboard HLTV Spectator Mode Movement Keys ================================= Move Forward (+forward) ------------------------ ------------ Move Backward (+back) -------------------------- ------------ Turn Left (+left) ------------------------------ Turn Right (+right) ---------------------------- Strafe Left (+moveleft) ------------------------ , Strafe Right (+moveright) ---------------------- . Move Up (+moveup) ------------------------------ A Move Down (+movedown) -------------------------- S Move Around Map / Target ----------------------- Mouse Axes Demo, Savegame, and Screenshot Keys =================================== Record Demo (record Temp.dem / *17) ------------ Play Demo (playdemo Temp.dem / *18) ------------ VCR Demo Player (viewdemo Temp.dem / *19) ------ Quick Save Game (save quick / *20) ------------- ' Quick Load Game (load quick / *20) ------------- ; Take BMP Screenshot (snapshot / *21) ----------- System Keys =========== Display System Console (toggleconsole) --------- ` ---------------- ~ Display Framerate (cl_showfps 1 / *22) --------- Texture Brightness (gl_overbright 1 / *23) ----- Room Reverb Type 1 (room_type 1 / *24) --------- Stop All Sound Effects (stopsound) ------------- Cancel Selection (cancelselect) ---------------- Pause Game (pause / *25) ----------------------- Quit Game (quit) ------------------------------- Steam Community In-Game Keys ============================ Display Steam Community Menu (*26) ------------- Take JPG Screenshot (*26) ---------------------- Voice Chat Push-To-Talk Key (*26) -------------- Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Bot Keys ======================================= Add Counter-Terrorist Bot (bot_add_ct) --------- Add Terrorist Bot (bot_add_t) ------------------ Add Random Bot (bot_add) ----------------------- Add 10 Bots (exec Bot_War.cfg / *27) ----------- Kill All Bots (bot_kill) ----------------------- Kick All Bots (bot_kick) ----------------------- Toggle Team Balance (*28) ---------------------- Toggle Defer Goals to Humans (*29) ------------- Toggle Rogue Bots (bot_allow_rogues 1 / *30) --- Bot Zombie Mode (bot_zombie 1 / *31) ----------- Pause/Unpause Bots (bot_stop 1 / *32) ---------- Clan Match Mode Keys ==================== Clan Match (exec Clan_Match.cfg / *33) --------- L Restart Game (exec Restart_Game.cfg / *34) ----- O Display Remaining Game Time (timeleft / *35) --- I In-Game Menu (+commandmenu / *36) -- Z ====================================== Multiplayer Team Configuration -> | Team Auto-Balancing | | Enable (mp_autoteambalance 1) | Disable (mp_autoteambalance 0) | Team Limiting | | Disable Team Limiting (mp_limitteams 0) | Set Team Limiting to 1 (mp_limitteams 1) | Set Team Limiting to 2 (mp_limitteams 2) | Set Team Limiting to 3 (mp_limitteams 3) | Set Team Limiting to 4 (mp_limitteams 4) | Set Team Limiting to 5 (mp_limitteams 5) | Set Team Limiting to 6 (mp_limitteams 6) | Set Team Limiting to 7 (mp_limitteams 7) | Set Team Limiting to 8 (mp_limitteams 8) | Set Team Limiting to 9 (mp_limitteams 9) | Restart Round (sv_restartround 1) Add/Remove Bots -> | Add Bots | | Add 1 Terrorist Bot (bot_add_t) | Add 1 Counter-Terrorist Bot (bot_add_ct) | Add 1 Random Team Bot (bot_add) | Add 8 Random Team Bots (bot_add;bot_add;etc...) | Add 9 Random Team Bots (bot_add;bot_add;etc...) | Add 10 Random Team Bots (bot_add;bot_add;etc...) | Remove Bots | | Kill All Bots (bot_kill) | Kick All Bots (bot_kick) | Bot Quotas | | Disable Bot Quota (bot_quota 0) | Set Bot Quota to 1 (bot_quota 1) | Set Bot Quota to 2 (bot_quota 2) | Set Bot Quota to 3 (bot_quota 3) | Set Bot Quota to 4 (bot_quota 4) | Set Bot Quota to 5 (bot_quota 5) | Set Bot Quota to 6 (bot_quota 6) | Set Bot Quota to 7 (bot_quota 7) | Set Bot Quota to 8 (bot_quota 8) | Set Bot Quota to 9 (bot_quota 9) | Bot Quota Matches | Disable Bot Quota Match (bot_quota_match 0) Set Bot Quota Match to 1 (bot_quota_match 1) Set Bot Quota Match to 2 (bot_quota_match 2) Set Bot Quota Match to 3 (bot_quota_match 3) Set Bot Quota Match to 4 (bot_quota_match 4) Set Bot Quota Match to 5 (bot_quota_match 5) Set Bot Quota Match to 6 (bot_quota_match 6) Set Bot Quota Match to 7 (bot_quota_match 7) Set Bot Quota Match to 8 (bot_quota_match 8) Set Bot Quota Match to 9 (bot_quota_match 9) Bot Weapon Restrictions -> | Pistols | | Allow (bot_allow_pistols) | Prohibit (bot_allow_pistols 0) | Shotguns | | Allow (bot_allow_shotguns 1) | Prohibit (bot_allow_shotguns 0) | Submachine Guns | | Allow (bot_allow_sub_machine_guns 1) | Prohibit (bot_allow_sub_machine_guns 0) | Rifles | | Allow (bot_allow_rifles 1) | Prohibit (bot_allow_rifles 0) | Sniper Rifles | | Allow (bot_allow_snipers 1) | Prohibit (bot_allow_snipers 0) | Machine Guns | | Allow (bot_allow_machine_guns 1) | Prohibit (bot_allow_machine_guns 0) | Grenades | | Allow (bot_allow_grenades 1) | Prohibit (bot_allow_grenades 0) | Shields | | Allow (bot_allow_shield 1) | Prohibit (bot_allow_shield 0) | Bots Use Knives Only (bot_knives_only) Bots Use Pistols Only (bot_pistols_only) Bots Use Sniper Rifles Only (bot_snipers_only) Bots Use All Weapons (bot_all_weapons) Bot Difficulty and Teamplay -> | Bot Difficulty Levels | | Easy Bot Difficulty (bot_difficulty 0) | Normal Bot Difficulty (bot_difficulty 1) | Hard Bot Difficulty (bot_difficulty 2) | Expert Bot Difficulty (bot_difficulty 3) | Rogue Bots | | Allow (bot_allow_rogues 1) | Prohibit (bot_allow_rogues 0) | Defer Goals to Humans | | Enable (bot_defer_to_human 1) | Disable (bot_defer_to_human 0) | Bot Running | | Allow (bot_walk 0) | Prohibit (bot_walk 1) | Bot Radio Chatter | Normal (bot_chatter normal) Minimal (bot_chatter minimal) Standard Radio (bot_chatter radio) Disable (bot_chatter off) Bot Configuration -> | Bots Join After Human Players | | Enable (bot_join_after_player 1) | Disable (bot_join_after_player 0) | Bot Team Configuration | | Bots Join Terrorists (bot_join_team t) | Bots Join Counter-Terrorists (bot_join_team ct) | Bots Join Random Team (bot_join_team any) | Bots Auto-Vacate for Humans | | Enable (bot_auto_vacate 1) | Disable (bot_auto_vacate 0) | Bot Name Prefixes | | Set Bot Name Prefix to [AI] (bot_prefix [AI]) | Set Bot Name Prefix to [BOT] (bot_prefix [BOT]) | Bot Profile Databases | Use BotProfile Database (bot_profile_db BotProfile.db) Use BotCampaignProfile Database (bot_profile_db BotCampaignProfile.db) Bot Control and Information -> | Pause/Unpause Bots | | Pause Bots (bot_stop 1) | Unpause Bots (bot_stop 0) | Pause/Unpause Hostages | | Pause Hostages (hostage_stop 1) | Unpause Hostages (hostage_stop 0) | Bots Zombie Mode | | Enable (bot_zombie 1) | Disable (bot_zombie 0) | Bots Module Version (bot_about) Help -> | Server Info (!SERVERINFO) Map Description (showbriefing) Time Left (timeleft) Adjust Crosshair (adjust_crosshair) Use Left Hand (cl_righthand 0) Use Right Hand (cl_righthand 1) Change Team (chooseteam) Team Message -> | Acknowledged (say_team Acknowledged) Negative (say_team Negative) Go Go Go! (say_team Go Go Go!) On my way (say_team On my way) Need backup! (say_team Need backup!) Drop Current Item (drop) Exit Menu (slot10) Standard Radio Messages (radio1) -- V ===================================== 1. Cover Me (coverme) 2. You Take the Point (takepoint) 3. Hold This Position (holdpos) 4. Regroup, Team (regroup) 5. Follow Me (followme) 6. Taking Fire, Need Assistance (takingfire) 0. Exit Group Radio Messages (radio2) -- B ================================== 1. Go Go Go! (go) 2. Team, Fall Back (fallback) 3. Stick Together, Team (sticktog) 4. Get in Position (getinpos) 5. Storm the Front (stormfront) 6. Report In, Team (report) 0. Exit Report / Response Radio Messages (radio3) -- N ============================================== 1. Roger That (roger) 2. Enemy Spotted (enemyspot) 3. Need Backup (needbackup) 4. Sector Clear (sectorclear) 5. I'm in Position (inposition) 6. Reporting In (reportingin) 7. It's Gonna Blow! (getout) 8. Negative (negative) 9. Enemy Down (enemydown) 0. Exit Mouse Configuration =================== Mouse Look (+mlook / *02) = On Look Spring (lookspring 1 / *02) = On Look Strafe (lookstrafe 0 / *05) = On Reverse Mouse (m_pitch -0.022) = On Mouse Filter (m_filter 1) = On Mouse Sensitivity (sensitivity 10) = 10 Mouse Forward Sensitivity (m_forward 10) = 10 Mouse Strafe Sensitivity (m_side 50) = 50 Game Configuration and System Console Command Notes =================================================== *01: alias +Crouched_Jump "+jump;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;+duck" alias -Crouched_Jump "-duck;-jump" bind "q" "+Crouched_Jump" Note: The custom aliases above interfere slightly with Counter-Strike's "change view" feature (+jump) when in spectator mode, and will inadvertently display the game's "spectator menu" (+duck) shortly after the "+Crouched_Jump" key is pressed. Simply press the "spectator menu" (+duck) key quickly after changing spectator view modes to overcome this minor problem, and to hide the spectator menu. *02: alias Mouselook_On "-strafe;+mlook;lookspring 1;bind MOUSE2 +Look_Strafe;bind e Mouselook_Off" alias Mouselook_Off "-Look_Strafe;-mlook;lookspring 0;bind MOUSE2 +strafe;bind e Mouselook_On" bind "e" "Mouselook_Off" *03: Note that the "impulse 100" command turns on the flashlight in "Counter-Strike" and "Counter-Strike: Condition Zero", and turns on nightvision in "Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Deleted Scenes". *04: bind "f" "nightvision;-nvgadjust;-nvgadjust;-nvgadjust;-nvgadjust;-nvgadjust;-nvgadjust;-nvgadjust;-nvgadjust;+nvgadjust;+nvgadjust" Note that the "nightvision" command is not valid in "Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Deleted Scenes". "Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Deleted Scenes" uses the command "impulse 100" for nightvision instead. *05: alias +Look_Strafe "m_pitch -0.011;lookstrafe 1" alias -Look_Strafe "lookstrafe 0;m_pitch -0.022" bind "MOUSE2" "+Look_Strafe" *06: hud_fastswitch 1 Enables single-press weapon selection. *07: alias Buy_Ammo "buyammo1;buyammo2" bind "m" "Buy_Ammo" *08: alias Cycle_Radar_Off "hideradar;bind TAB Cycle_Radar_Transparent" alias Cycle_Radar_Transparent "drawradar;cl_radartype 0;bind TAB Cycle_Radar_Solid" alias Cycle_Radar_Solid "drawradar;cl_radartype 1;bind TAB Cycle_Radar_Off" bind "TAB" "Cycle_Radar_Solid" *09: alias Cycle_Crosshair_Red "exec Crosshair_Red.cfg;bind CAPSLOCK Cycle_Crosshair_Blue" alias Cycle_Crosshair_Blue "exec Crosshair_Blue.cfg;bind CAPSLOCK Cycle_Crosshair_Yellow" alias Cycle_Crosshair_Yellow "exec Crosshair_Yellow.cfg;bind CAPSLOCK Cycle_Crosshair_Cyan" alias Cycle_Crosshair_Cyan "exec Crosshair_Cyan.cfg;bind CAPSLOCK Cycle_Crosshair_White" alias Cycle_Crosshair_White "exec Crosshair_White.cfg;bind CAPSLOCK Cycle_Crosshair_Black" alias Cycle_Crosshair_Black "exec Crosshair_Black.cfg;bind CAPSLOCK Cycle_Crosshair_Green" alias Cycle_Crosshair_Green "exec Crosshair_Green.cfg;bind CAPSLOCK Cycle_Crosshair_Red" bind "CAPSLOCK" "Cycle_Crosshair_Red" "Crosshair_Red.cfg" contents: // Red Crosshair for Counter-Strike // Usage: exec Crosshair_Red.cfg cl_crosshair_color "250 50 50" "Crosshair_Blue.cfg" contents: // Blue Crosshair for Counter-Strike // Usage: exec Crosshair_Blue.cfg cl_crosshair_color "50 50 250" "Crosshair_Yellow.cfg" contents: // Yellow Crosshair for Counter-Strike // Usage: exec Crosshair_Yellow.cfg cl_crosshair_color "250 250 50" "Crosshair_Cyan.cfg" contents: // Cyan Crosshair for Counter-Strike // Usage: exec Crosshair_Cyan.cfg cl_crosshair_color "50 250 250" "Crosshair_White.cfg" contents: // White Crosshair for Counter-Strike // Usage: exec Crosshair_White.cfg cl_crosshair_color "250 250 250" "Crosshair_Black.cfg" contents: // Black Crosshair for Counter-Strike // Usage: exec Crosshair_Black.cfg cl_crosshair_color "50 50 50" "Crosshair_Green.cfg" contents: // Green Crosshair for Counter-Strike (Default) // Usage: exec Crosshair_Green.cfg cl_crosshair_color "50 250 50" Note that using "cl_crosshair_color" (instead of "adjust_crosshair") allows for custom crosshair colors, and does not toggle the translucency ("cl_crosshair_translucent") of the crosshair (like "adjust_crosshair" does). *10: alias HUD_On "hud_draw 1;bind F5 HUD_Off" alias HUD_Off "hud_draw 0;bind F5 HUD_On" bind "F5" "HUD_Off" *11: alias Name_SBC_Rich_Nagel "name [S.B.C.]%Rich%Nagel;bind h Name_SBC_Herr_Franz_Nagel" alias Name_SBC_Herr_Franz_Nagel "name [S.B.C.]%Herr%Franz%Nagel;bind h Name_SBC_Rich_Nagel" bind "h" "Name_SBC_Herr_Franz_Nagel" *12: Handy to quickly respawn player. *13: bind "F1" "+showscores;impulse 98" Note that the "impulse 98" command lists the mission objectives in "Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Deleted Scenes", and is ignored in "Counter-Strike" and "Counter-Strike: Condition Zero". *14: Note that "Inset Window" refers to Half-Life TV's "Picture-In-Picture" mode. *15: alias Spectate_Anyone "mp_forcecamera 0;bind HOME Spectate_Team_Only" alias Spectate_Team_Only "mp_forcecamera 1;bind HOME Spectate_Anyone" bind "HOME" "Spectate_Team_Only" Note: Any setting other than "mp_forcecamera 0" will disable Half-Life TV's "Picture-In-Picture" spectator mode. *16: Note that the "cheer" command only funtions when connected to a "Half-Life TV" server. *17: alias RecordDemo_Off "stop;bind F6 RecordDemo_On" alias RecordDemo_On "record Temp.dem;bind F6 RecordDemo_Off" bind "F6" "RecordDemo_On" *18: alias PlayDemo_Off "stopdemo;bind F7 PlayDemo_On" alias PlayDemo_On "playdemo Temp.dem;bind F7 PlayDemo_Off" bind "F7" "PlayDemo_On" *19: alias VCR_Demo_Player "dem_forcehltv 1;viewdemo Temp.dem" bind "F8" "VCR_Demo_Player" *20: Note that the "save quick" and "load quick" commands only funtion for "Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Deleted Scenes". *21: hud_takesshots 1 Enables automatic screenshot when final scores are displayed. *22: alias Cl_ShowFPS_Off "cl_showfps 0;bind F2 Cl_ShowFPS_On" alias Cl_ShowFPS_On "cl_showfps 1;bind F2 Cl_ShowFPS_Off" bind "F2" "Cl_ShowFPS_On" *23: alias GL_OverBright_Off "gl_overbright 0;bind F11 GL_OverBright_On" alias GL_OverBright_On "gl_overbright 1;bind F11 GL_OverBright_Off" bind "F11" "GL_OverBright_On" Note: Only functions for Direct 3D graphics renderer. *24: alias Room_Type_0 "room_type 0;bind F3 Room_Type_1" alias Room_Type_1 "room_type 1;bind F3 Room_Type_0" bind "F3" "Room_Type_1" *25: Note that the "pause" command is normally used to pause "Counter-Strike: Condition Zero" and "Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Deleted Scenes" single-player games. Issue the console command "pausable 1" (or add the command to the "ListenServer.cfg" and "Server.cfg" files) to enable pausing of multiplayer games. *26: Configured within the Steam Client ("View/Settings/In-Game" and "View/Settings/Voice"). *27: "Bot_War.cfg" contents: // Normal Difficulty Level Bot War for Counter-Strike: Condition Zero // Usage: exec Bot_War_Normal.cfg bot_allow_rogues "1" bot_chatter "normal" bot_defer_to_human "0" bot_difficulty "1" bot_join_after_player "0" bot_add_ct bot_add_t bot_add_ct bot_add_t bot_add_ct bot_add_t bot_add_ct bot_add_t bot_add_ct bot_add_t *28: alias Team_Balance_On "bot_auto_vacate 1;mp_autoteambalance 1;mp_limitteams 1;bind KP_RIGHTARROW Team_Balance_Off" alias Team_Balance_Off "bot_auto_vacate 0;mp_autoteambalance 0;mp_limitteams 0;bind KP_RIGHTARROW Team_Balance_On" bind "KP_RIGHTARROW" "Team_Balance_Off" *29: alias Bot_Defer_To_Human_Off "bot_defer_to_human 0;bind KP_ENTER Bot_Defer_To_Human_On" alias Bot_Defer_To_Human_On "bot_defer_to_human 1;bind KP_ENTER Bot_Defer_To_Human_Off" bind "KP_ENTER" "Bot_Defer_To_Human_On" *30: alias Bot_Allow_Rogues_On "bot_allow_rogues 1;bind KP_INS Bot_Allow_Rogues_Off" alias Bot_Allow_Rogues_Off "bot_allow_rogues 0;bind KP_INS Bot_Allow_Rogues_On" bind "KP_INS" "Bot_Allow_Rogues_Off" *31: alias Zombie_Bots_Off "bot_zombie 0;bind KP_HOME Zombie_Bots_On" alias Zombie_Bots_On "bot_zombie 1;bind KP_HOME Zombie_Bots_Off" bind "KP_HOME" "Zombie_Bots_On" *32: alias Pause_Bots_Off "bot_stop 0;bind KP_PLUS Pause_Bots_On" alias Pause_Bots_On "bot_stop 1;bind KP_PLUS Pause_Bots_Off" bind "KP_PLUS" "Pause_Bots_On" *33: "Clan_Match.cfg" contents: // Clan Match Template for Swamp Buzzards Clan // http://steamcommunity.com/groups/SwampBuzzardsClan // Usage: exec Clan_Match.cfg // changelevel Weeds_CS_Orange // map Weeds_CS_Orange // condebug logsdir logs log on bind i "say Current Game Time Remaining:;timeleft" bind o "sv_restartround 30" bot_auto_vacate 0 dem_forcehltv 1 hostname "Buzzard Shootout" hud_takesshots 1 // mapcyclefile Weeds_CS_Orange_MapCycle.txt // maxplayers 32 mp_autokick 0 mp_autoteambalance 0 mp_buytime 1.5 mp_c4timer 45 mp_chattime 60 mp_fadetoblack 0 mp_flashlight 1 mp_footsteps 1 mp_forcecamera 1 mp_freezetime 6 mp_friendlyfire 1 mp_hostagepenalty 0 mp_limitteams 0 mp_logdetail 3 mp_logmessages 1 mp_mapvoteratio 0.66 mp_maxrounds 0 mp_roundtime 5 mp_startmoney 800 mp_timelimit 30 mp_tkpunish 0 mp_winlimit 0 sv_alltalk 0 Note: I and O keys are rebound when "Clan_Match.cfg" file is executed. *34: "Restart_Game.cfg" contents: // Restart Game for Counter-Strike // Usage: exec Restart_Game.cfg // Note that the total duration for the "wait" commands are based on a // "sys_ticrate" of "100" (100 calculated amd rendered server frames per // second). sv_restartround 2 say Game will restart in 2 seconds. wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait say Game has now been restarted! wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait say Current Game Time Remaining:;timeleft *35: bind "i" "say Current Game Time Remaining:;timeleft" *36: "CommandMenu.txt" modifications: "1" "#Cstrike_HELP" { CUSTOM "1" "Server Info" "!SERVERINFO" CUSTOM "2" "#Cstrike_Map_Desc" "!MAPBRIEFING" "3" "#Cstrike_Time_Left" "timeleft" "4" "#Cstrike_Adjust_Crosshair" "adjust_crosshair" "5" "#Cstrike_Use_Left_Hand" "cl_righthand 0" "6" "#Cstrike_Use_Right_Hand" "cl_righthand 1" } Note that the "!SERVERINFO" command is not included in Counter-Strike's "CommandMenu.txt" file (like it was for "Day of Defeat"), but it is still a valid command for the game. Also note that all of the "Bots" and "Multiplayer Team Configuration" menus (as well as the "Exit Menu" menu option) has been added to the "CommandMenu.txt" file. ENJOY! ====== Rich „Weeds„ Nagel August 28, 2011 AIM: RichFNagel ICQ: 565228098 / RichFNagel richnagel@centurylink.net richnagel@simpilot.net rfnagel@juno.com http://www.richnagel.net http://www.simpilot.net/~richnagel http://www.cmoo.com/snor/ http://www.cmoo.com/snor/weeds/ http://www.cmoo.com/snor/weeds/Counter_Strike/ http://jasonwilliams400com.startlogic.com/snor/ http://jasonwilliams400com.startlogic.com/snor/weeds/ http://jasonwilliams400com.startlogic.com/snor/weeds/Counter_Strike/ http://tinyurl.com/TumbleWeedsCSCZDODServerStatus http://www.facebook.com/RFNagel http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1164518241 http://steamcommunity.com/id/RichNagel http://steamcommunity.com/groups/SwampBuzzardsClan http://www.youtube.com/RFNagel