LockJaw Skin and Setup Selector v4.0 ==================================== ©Copyright 2007, Rich „Weeds„ Nagel - All rights reserved. Overview -------- The LockJaw Skin and Setup Selector is a utility to assist with selecting replacement skins for version 0.35 (or newer) of Damian Yerrick's EXCELLENT "LockJaw" Tetris-styled tetromino game. The utility also includes features to save and restore LockJaw's current game setup options (and also the game's current keyboard configuration), as well as several other handy features described below. Find out more about Damian's great freeware Tetris game at http://www.pineight.com/lj on the Internet! What the heck is this "LockJaw Skin and Setup Selector" thing anyway? --------------------------------------------------------------------- With previous versions of LockJaw (version 0.34a or older), one would have to manually edit the "Skin=" line contained in LockJaw's "LJ.ini" configuration file, or manually rename an existing skin's "SKIN" file to the filename "Default.skin" in order to use a replacement skin within the game (refer to the LockJaw's "Readme.html" file that is included with the game for more information about skin creation and usage). This was the purpose of the initial version of the LockJaw Skin and Setup Selector (the ability to easily switch skins for LockJaw without having to manually edit or rename files). With the recent release of LockJaw version 0.35, LockJaw now has the ability to actually select skins from within the game itself. The skin selecting features of the LockJaw Skin and Setup Selector have not been removed though, but are simply left in place in this newer version of the utility for convenience and consistency. Anyhow, the same still currently holds true if you wish to save your current LockJaw game setup options, as well as your current keyboard configuration for the game. Normally, one has to manually copy LockJaw's existing "LJ.ini" game setup file (as well as the game's "LJ-Keys.005" keyboard configuration file) to other filenames in order to save your current custom game setup and keyboard configuration for the game (and then at a later time, manually rename them back again to the original filenames in order to restore your previous settings). Fret no more, as the LockJaw Skin and Setup Selector makes it extremely easy to switch between any skins that you may have for LockJaw, as well as your custom game setup options and keyboard configurations with nothing but a few simple mouse clicks! In addition to the utility's save and restore features, the LockJaw Skin and Setup Selector also has features to view LockJaw's last saved screenshot, as well as the game's current scores. Other features of the LockJaw Skin and Setup Selector include backing up, restoring, copying to another filename, and printing LockJaw's scores file ("LJ-Scores.txt"), copying LockJaw's last saved demo file ("Demo.ljm") or last saved screenshot file ("LJSnap.bmp") to another filename, viewing any image or text document file that may reside on your hard drive, changing LockJaw's in-game sound volume, viewing LockJaw's readme file and simulation settings guide, as well as directly running the game... all from within the utility with a few simple mouse clicks. Installation ------------ To install the LockJaw Skin and Setup Selector, unzip LockJaw_Skin_and_Setup_Selector.zip to the same directory where LockJaw is installed on your hard drive. To upgrade the LockJaw Skin and Setup Selector from version 1.0, first delete the files "LockJaw Skin Selector.exe", "LockJaw Skin Selector.jpg", and "LockJaw Skin Selector.txt" within the same directory before unzipping this version. To upgrade the LockJaw Skin and Setup Selector from any other previous versions, simply overwrite the existing files within the same directory. Pre-Usage Notes --------------- As mentioned above, the skin selecting features of the LockJaw Skin and Setup Selector are currently obsolete with the release of version 0.35 of LockJaw. Nevertheless, if you wish to use the utility for switching skins (verses switching them from within the game itself), the following steps need to be performed first. In order for the skin selecting features of the LockJaw Skin and Setup Selector to function properly, LockJaw's "LJ.ini" configuration file must contain the line "Skin=Default.skin" (minus the quotes) that is added by default when running the game for the first time (and is usually the last line of this file). You can use Windows Notepad or Wordpad to open and edit LockJaw's "LJ.ini" file to ensure that this line actually exists in the file, or simply delete the file and allow LockJaw to regenerate it again when running the game the next time. Also note that all of your "SKIN" files must be located within LockJaw's main game installation directory (i.e. the same directory where you unzipped the LockJaw Skin and Setup Selector to, which should be the same directory where LockJaw's "LJ.exe" executable file is located). Lastly, note that if you switch skins from within LockJaw itself, the skin selecting features of the LockJaw Skin and Setup Selector will not function (as LockJaw writes the actual filename of the skin to it's "LJ.ini" configuration file to the "Skin=" line mentioned above). If you switch skins from within the game, but at a later time wish to use the utility for accomplishing the same task, simply edit LockJaw's "LJ.ini" configuration file as explained above. Usage ----- Usage of the LockJaw Skin and Setup Selector's various features are fairly easy and self-explanatory. All buttons and the slider bar have descriptive popup "tooltips" that will be displayed when hovering your mouse over them. Simply move your mouse cursor over any of the buttons or the slider bar within the utility, and a small box with a detailed description will pop up! Note that all buttons within the utility have a shortcut "hotkey" (i.e. ), which is the underlined letter displayed on the specific button (the complete shortcut hotkeys will also be displayed within the popup tooltips mentioned above). Detailed Usage -------------- Click on the "LockJaw Master Volume" slider bar and slide it left or right to change LockJaw's in-game sound volume to any volume between 0 and 255. Note that LockJaw can not be running when this volume slider is adjusted, so you will need to exit and restart the game in order for the changes to take effect. Note: These settings are stored in the file "Allegro.cfg" (located in your main LockJaw game installation directory), and are read by LockJaw from this file upon game startup. Click on the "Select SKIN File" button to open and select a LockJaw "SKIN" file. Click on the "Edit SKIN File" button to edit the currently selected LockJaw "SKIN" file using Windows Wordpad. Click on the "Select Setup CFG File" button to open and select a previously saved LockJaw game setup "CFG" file. Click on the "Edit Setup CFG File" button to edit the currently selected LockJaw game setup "CFG" file using Windows Wordpad. Note that this is normally not recommended (as all of the game's options can be set from within the game itself), but is included in the LockJaw Skin and Setup Selector simply for consistency. Click on the "Save Setup CFG File" button to save LockJaw's current game setup file ("LJ.ini") to a "CFG" file. Note that when saving the file you must also include the ".CFG" file extension (i.e. "My Competition Game Setup.cfg", minus the quotes). Click on the "Select Keyboard KBD File" button to open and select a previously saved LockJaw keyboard configuration "KBD" file. Click on the "Save Keyboard KBD File" button to save LockJaw's current keyboard configuration file ("LJ-Keys.005") to a "KBD" file. Note that when saving the file you must also include the ".KBD" file extension (i.e. "My Fast Keyboard Configuration.kbd", minus the quotes). Click on the "View Screenshot" button to display LockJaw's last saved screenshot file ("LJSnap.bmp"). Click on the "Copy Screenshot" button to copy LockJaw's last saved screenshot file ("LJSnap.bmp") to another file. Note that when saving the file you must also include the ".BMP" file extension (i.e. "My Game Screenshot.bmp", minus the quotes). Click on the "Copy Demo" button to copy LockJaw's last saved demo file ("Demo.ljm") to another file. Note that when saving the file you must also include the ".LJM" file extension (i.e. "My Competition Game Demo.ljm", minus the quotes). Click on the "View Document" button to display any text document file on your computer using Windows Wordpad. Supported text document formats include CFG, DOC, INI, RTF, SKIN, TXT, and WRI. Click on the "View Image" button to display any image file on your computer. Supported image formats include BMP, GIF, ICO, JPG, PCX, PNG, TIF, and WMF. Click on the "View LockJaw Scores" button to display or search through LockJaw's current game scores file ("LJ-Scores.txt") using Windows Wordpad. Press on your keyboard within Windows Wordpad to search for specific text within the game scores file, and then press on your keyboard to repeat the previous search. Click on the "Backup LockJaw Scores" button to back up LockJaw's current game scores file ("LJ-Scores.txt") to the file "LJ-Scores.bak". Click on the "Restore LockJaw Scores" button to restore LockJaw's current game scores file ("LJ-Scores.txt") from the file "LJ-Scores.bak". Click on the "Copy LockJaw Scores" button to copy LockJaw's current game scores file ("LJ-Scores.txt") to another file. Note that when saving the file you must also include the ".TXT" file extension (i.e. "My Competition Game Scores.txt", minus the quotes). Click on the "Print LockJaw Scores" button to print LockJaw's current game scores file ("LJ-Scores.txt") using your printer. Click on the "Run LockJaw" button to run LockJaw. After clicking this button you will be given the option to exit the LockJaw Skin and Setup Selector before running the game, or to simply leave the utility running in the background while LockJaw is running. If you choose to leave the LockJaw Skin and Setup Selector running in the background, after playing and then exiting the game the utility will toggle the "NumLock" key status of your keyboard to the state that it was set to before running the game. "Allegro" applications (such as LockJaw) have a tendency to turn on the NumLock key on your keyboard when running them, but this feature of the LockJaw Skin and Setup Selector overcomes that annoyance. Click on the "View Readme.html" button to display LockJaw's help and readme file ("Readme.html"). Click on the "View Settings Guide" button to display the LockJaw Simulation Settings guide ("Lockjaw_Simulation_Settings.html") from the Tetris Concept Wiki on the Internet, or locally from your hard drive. If the file exists in the same installation directory as the LockJaw Skin and Setup Selector, your web browser will run and then load the file locally from your hard drive for viewing. If the file does not exist on your hard drive, your web browser will run and then surf to the original page from the Tetris Concept Wiki located at http://www.tetrisconcept.com/wiki/index.php?title=Lockjaw_Simulation_Settings on the Internet for viewing. Note: The LockJaw Simulation Settings guide is an extremely handy document that lists detailed LockJaw options and settings to simulate specific game modes of Tetris, as well as other popular versions of Tetris games within LockJaw. Click on the "Refresh Window" button to refresh all of the contents displayed within the LockJaw Skin and Setup Selector program window, as well as to set up LockJaw with all of the utility's currently selected files. Click on the "Help" button to display the LockJaw Skin and Setup Selector's help and readme file. Click on the "About" button to display the copyright and version information for the LockJaw Skin and Setup Selector. Click on the "Exit" button to exit the LockJaw Skin and Setup Selector. The utility will first prompt you with an exit confirmation. Alternatively, you can simply press the key on your keyboard to quickly exit the utility without a confirmation. LockJaw Game Setup Configurations --------------------------------- Included with the LockJaw Skin and Setup Selector are the following previously saved LockJaw game setup "CFG" files: Default Game Setup.cfg Default Keyboard Configuration.kbd GameBoy A-Type Game Setup.cfg GameBoy Heart A-Type Game Setup.cfg NES A-Type Game Setup.cfg Tetris DS Game Setup.cfg TGM2 Master Game Setup.cfg TGM2+ T.A. Death Game Setup.cfg These game setup "CFG" files will set up LockJaw's options and settings to simulate specific game modes of Tetris, as well as other popular versions of Tetris games within LockJaw. The data for the LockJaw options and settings used to create these files was obtained from the "LockJaw Simulation Settings" guide from the Tetris Concept Wiki mentioned above, and is current as of May 25, 2007 11:06am. Programs and Utilities ---------------------- The LockJaw Skin and Setup Selector was programmed and created exclusively using NeoSoft's NeoBook for Windows v4.1.3a. Copyrights and Legalities ------------------------- LockJaw Skin and Setup Selector - ©Copyright 2007, Rich „Weeds„ Nagel - All rights reserved. The LockJaw Skin and Setup Selector (LockJaw_Skin_and_Setup_Selector.zip) may be freely distributed in it's whole and unmodified form for any non-commercial usage, contained in it's original unmodified and unedited ZIP format archive, including all documents, text, and support files. Note that this utility is NOT endorsed nor condoned by the creator of LockJaw (Damian Yerrick). Void where prohibited; not available in all states; removing factory seal will void your warranty; removing information tag from pillow is a violation of federal law; does not include tax, tag, and title; your results may vary; results not typical; supplies are limited; I'm not a real doctor, but I play one on TV; etc... etc... . Use the LockJaw Skin and Setup Selector at your own risk... I will not be held responsible for absolutely anything , and the like. Version History --------------- v1.0 - First Release. (April 13, 2007) v2.0 - Renamed utility from "LockJaw Skin Selector" to (April 19, 2007) "LockJaw Skin and Setup Selector". - Added feature to save LockJaw's current game setup to a file. - Added feature to select a previously saved LockJaw game setup file. - Added feature to save LockJaw's current keyboard configuration to a file. - Added feature to select a previously saved LockJaw keyboard configuration file. - Added feature to display LockJaw's current game scores file. - Added feature to display LockJaw's last saved screenshot file. - Changes to general layout and menu of utility. v3.0 - Changed skin filename extension from ".INI" to ".SKIN" (April 27, 2007) for compatability with LockJaw version 0.35. - Viewing LockJaw's scores file ("LJ-Scores.txt") now uses Windows Wordpad (instead of the utility's internal text viewer) so that it can be easily searched through. - Editing "SKIN" files now uses Windows Wordpad (instead of Windows Notepad). - Changes to general layout and menu of utility. - Added feature to edit previously saved LockJaw game setup "CFG" files using Windows Wordpad. - Added feature to copy LockJaw's last saved screenshot file ("LJSnap.bmp") to another file. - Added feature to copy LockJaw's last saved demo file ("Demo.ljm") to another file. - Added feature to display any image file on your hard drive. - Added feature to print LockJaw's scores file ("LJ-Scores.txt"). - Added feature to back up LockJaw's scores file ("LJ-Scores.txt") to the file "LJ-Scores.bak". - Added feature to restore LockJaw's scores file ("LJ-Scores.txt") from the file "LJ-Scores.bak". - Added feature to toggle "NumLock" key status after exiting LockJaw (if the utility is left running in the background while playing the game). - Added feature to refresh the utility's program window and set up LockJaw with all currently selected files. v4.0 - Added feature to change LockJaw's in-game sound volume. (May 28, 2007) - Added feature to view any text document file on your hard drive. - Added feature to copy LockJaw's current game scores file ("LJ-Scores.txt") to another file. - Added feature to view LockJaw's help and readme file ("Readme.html"). - Added feature to view the "LockJaw Simulation Settings" guide ("Lockjaw_Simulation_Settings.html") from the Tetris Concept Wiki on the Internet, or locally from your hard drive. - Edited program icon. - Changed program window background color from gradient to solid, and removed button transparency (to increase performance while playing LockJaw when running the utility in the background). - Included several saved LockJaw game setup "CFG" files, based on data obtained from the "LockJaw Simulation Settings" guide from the Tetris Concept Wiki (current as of May 25, 2007 11:06am). - Changes to general layout and menu of utility. ENJOY! ------ Rich „Weeds„ Nagel richnagel@earthlink.net richnagel@simpilot.net rfnagel@juno.com rfnagel@racesimcentral.com http://www.richnagel.net http://home.earthlink.net/~richnagel http://www.geocities.com/rfnagel http://www.geocities.com/timessquare/metro/7256 http://www.simpilot.net/~richnagel http://tang.cmoo.com/~snor/ http://tang.cmoo.com/~snor/weeds/