This project fixes minor bugs in Quake's stereoscopic rendering modes (crosshair in the wrong position, corrupt display in full-screen and excessive stereo separation of the player's weapon) and adds row-interleaved stereoscopic support to Quake 2's software renderer.
This project provides replacement executables and DLLs for Quake and Quake II; you can simply overwrite your existing executables with these. Alternatively, copy the updated executables to a new folder, and copy the id1 (Quake) or baseq2 (Quake II) directories over from an existing installation.
The new executables have been built with Visual Studio 2008 SP1, so you will also need the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package if you have not already installed it.
These versions of Quake and Quake II have been designed to be simple tweaks to the stereoscopic rendering modes, and not feature-packed source ports. As such, the modifications have been relatively minor.
Both Quake and Quake II are capable of generating row-interleaved 3D output via console variables. Bring down the console by pressing the key to the left of 1 on your keyboard (on a US layout, this will be the ~ key; on a UK layout, this is the ` key), type the variable name, a space, then the value you wish to assign to the variable.
LCD_X | Camera offset |
LCD_YAW | Camera rotation |
LCD_VIEWMODEL_SCALE | Strength of the 3D effect applied to the player's weapon |
To enable the stereoscopic rendering mode, set LCD_X to any value other than its default zero. This controls the offset of the camera; the larger the value, the further the camera is moved between the generating the view from each eye. A negative value swaps the left and right eyes.
You can control the rotation of the camera between each eye with the LCD_YAW value.
An additional console variable LCD_VIEWMODEL_SCALE has been added to override the stereo separation of the weapon model. As this is very close to the camera, it can be difficult to focus on at all but the most conservative LCD_X values. When LCD_VIEWMODEL_SCALE is set to 1 (the default), it appears in full 3D as per regular Quake. By setting it to 0, the 3D effect is completely removed, and the weapon is fixed in the middle of the display as when playing Quake with the stereoscopic rendering mode disabled. Setting the value to somewhere between 0 and 1 will preserve the weapon's 3D appearance, without making the game unpleasant to play.
cl_stereo | Selects the stereoscopic rendering mode |
cl_stereo_separation | Camera offset |
cl_stereo_anaglyph_colors | Colour of the anaglyph glasses |
The software renderer and OpenGL renderer both support row interleaved 3D. The OpenGL renderer also supports native stereoscopic rendering if the hardware supports along with column interleaved, pixel interleaved and anaglyph modes.
When using the software renderer, set cl_stereo to 0 to render normally and non-zero (e.g. 1) to enable the row interleaved mode.
The modes are as follows for the OpenGL renderer:
cl_stereo value | Mode |
0 | Stereoscopic rendering disabled |
1 | OpenGL native stereoscopic rendering (hardware permitting) |
2 | Anaglyph (coloured glasses) |
3 | Row interleaved |
4 | Column interleaved |
5 | Pixel interleaved |
When using the anaglyph mode (cl_stereo set to 2) you can set the colour of the glasses with the cl_stereo_anaglyph_colors variable. This is a two-character string that specifies the initials of the colours of the two lenses. The default setting is rc, which corresponds to glasses with a red filter on the left eye and a cyan filter on the right eye. The available colours are blue, cyan, green, magenta, red and yellow. The cl_stereo_anaglyph_colors variable is not case sensitive.
cl_stereo_separation controls the offset of the camera; the larger the value, the further the camera is moved between the generating the view from each eye. A negative value swaps the left and right eyes.
Quake and Quake II use an 8-bit video mode. When played full-screen, they assume that they are in full control of the palette; Windows, however, will sometimes overwrite the palette, resulting in scrambled colours. In Quake you may be able to avoid the issue by passing the -dibonly command-line switch and disabling multi-monitor modes if you are using them (consult the original WinQuake documentation for further information about video card compatibility). Typing vid_restart into Quake II's console may also help, though not always the first time you type it in.
Users of other games that have the same palette issues when using DirectDraw claim that terminating all instances of explorer.exe before running the game may also help, though this is a bit drastic.
The main website for Stereo Quake is
The latest version of the source code can be accessed from Google Code.