XMPlay and BASSMIDI: The Freeware Media Player and MIDI Driver!

Why XMPlay? | XMPlay MIDI Plugin | XMPlay Screenshots | XMPlay Downloads and Internet Links

BASSMIDI Driver | BASSMIDI Driver Screenshots | BASSMIDI Driver Downloads and Internet Links
BASSMIDI Driver MIDI Implementation Chart | BASSMIDI Driver Installation and Configuration Instructions

Other Downloads and Internet Links

XMPlay Standard Interface
XMPlay Web Site Un4seen Developments Web Site

Why XMPlay?

XMPlay features SRC sound quality, surround-sound, a 9-band graphic audio equalizer, reverb effects, auto-resizing it's display to fit contents, auto and manual crossfading, media playing from 7Z/ARJ/RAR/ZIP/XPK archives, queue function, interpolation, ramping, replay gain, support for Last FM/mIRC/Windows Messenger, support for WinAmp input plugins, support for Sonique visualizations, automatic monitoring of directories, logarithmic volume, automatic splitting and separating of "Tracker" format music instruments, and an audio output resolution of 8, 16, 24, or 32-bit.

Among all of these features, the musical experience gets even better with these additional features and options:

XMPlay MIDI Plugin

Last, but not least, you can enjoy high quality MIDI format music playback of your collection of MIDI files after installing the SoundFont compatable XMPlay MIDI Plugin. The XMPlay MIDI Plugin features:

XMPlay Screenshots

Mini-Mode Interface
XMPlay Mini-Mode Interface

Standard Interface
XMPlay Standard Interface

General Panel
XMPlay General Panel

Message Panel
XMPlay Message Panel

Tracker Module Samples Panel
XMPlay Tracker Module Samples Panel

MIDI SoundFont Samples Panel
XMPlay MIDI SoundFont Samples Panel

Visualizations Panel
XMPlay Visualizations Panel

Tracker Module Pattern Display Panel
XMPlay Tracker Module Pattern Display Panel

MIDI Lyrics and Karaoke Panel
XMPlay MIDI Lyrics and Karaoke Panel

Album and Cover Art Panel
XMPlay Album and Cover Art Panel

Playlist Panel
XMPlay Playlist Panel

Library Panel
XMPlay Library Panel

Track Information Panel
XMPlay Track Information Panel

MIDI Mixer Panel
XMPlay MIDI Mixer Panel

Options Panel
XMPlay Options Panel

MIDI SoundFont Configuration Panel
XMPlay MIDI SoundFont Configuration Panel

MIDI SoundFont Information Panel
XMPlay MIDI SoundFont Information Panel

XMPlay Downloads, Discussion, and Internet Links

XMPlay Web Site | Un4seen Developments Web Site | XMPlay Support Web Site
XMPlay Forums | XMPlay MIDI Plugin Discussion | Album and Cover Art Plugin Discussion

Download XMPlay | Download Album and Cover Art Plugin | Download XMPlay Skins
Download XMPlay MIDI Plugin | Download SoundFont for XMPlay MIDI Plugin

Download XMPlay Beta "Stuff" Version | Download XMPlay MIDI Plugin Beta "Stuff" Version

BASSMIDI SoundFont Compatible MIDI Synthesizer Driver

BASS Audio Library Web Site

The BASSMIDI MIDI synthesizer driver is a freeware SoundFont based Windows MIDI system driver (created by Kode54 and MudLord) for Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7. It uses the BASS and BASSMIDI audio libraries by Ian Luck (Un4seen Developments) as the SoundFont synthesizer, and includes a BASSMIDI Driver Configuration Utility, as well as a SoundFont Packer Utility.

The BASSMIDI SoundFont compatible MIDI synthesizer driver features:

The BASSMIDI SoundFont compatible MIDI synthesizer driver supports GM, GM2, GS, and XG reset System Exclusive messages; as well as the drum channel enabling features of GS and XG when switched into those modes.

The driver also supports GS and XG reverb preset control messages (e.g. "Hall 1", "Plate", "Tunnel", etc...) for adjusting reverb time, reverb delay, reverb low-pass cut-off, reverb high-pass cut-off, and reverb level; as well as chorus preset control messages (e.g. "Chorus 1", "Celeste 1", "Flanger 1", etc...) for adjusting chrorus delay, chorus depth, chorus rate, chorus feedback, chorus level, and chorus to reverb send level.

Refer to the BASSMIDI Driver MIDI Implementation Chart for a complete list of MIDI controllers, functions, and System Exclusive messages that the BASSMIDI Driver supports.

Refer to the BASSMIDI Driver Installation and Configuration Instructions for complete installation instructions and usage information for the BASSMIDI Driver.

BASSMIDI Driver Screenshots

Driver Configuration Utility SoundFonts Settings
BASSMIDI Driver Configuration Utility SoundFonts Settings

Driver Configuration Utility Advanced Settings
BASSMIDI Driver Configuration Utility Advanced Settings

Windows Sounds and Audio Devices Properties
BASSMIDI Driver Windows Sounds and Audio Devices Properties

Windows Legacy Audio Drivers Properties
BASSMIDI Driver Windows Legacy Audio Drivers Properties

Cakewalk Professional v3.01 MIDI Device Configuration
BASSMIDI Driver Cakewalk Professional v3.01 MIDI Device Configuration

NoteWorthy Composer MIDI Device Configuration
BASSMIDI Driver NoteWorthy Composer MIDI Device Configuration

Synthesia MIDI Device Configuration
BASSMIDI Driver Synthesia MIDI Device Configuration

BASSMIDI Driver v1.x and v3.x Low Latency
BASSMIDI Driver v1.x and v3.x Low Latency

BASSMIDI Driver v2.x Latency
BASSMIDI Driver v2.x Latency

XGEdit 95 Compatibility
BASSMIDI Driver XGEdit 95 Compatibility

Refer to the BASSMIDI Driver MIDI Implementation Chart for a complete list of XGEdit 95 compatible MIDI controllers, functions, and System Exclusive messages that the BASSMIDI Driver supports.

Note that all of the XGEdit 95 compatible parameters displayed above in bright green are standard GM/GS MIDI controllers and System Exclusive messages, while all of the parameters displayed above in bright yellow are special XG MIDI controllers and System Exclusive messages directly referenced by the BASSMIDI Driver MIDI Implementation Chart.

BASSMIDI Driver Discussion, Downloads, and Internet Links

Hydrogen Audio Forums | Video Games Music Forums | XMPlay Forums
DOOM World Forums | NoteWorthy Software Forums | Quest Studios Forums
Synthesia Forums | VOGONS Forums | ZDOOM Forums

MudLord's Web Site (Newest Version) | Download BASSMIDI Driver | Download BASSMIDI Driver Source
MudLord's BASSMIDI Driver Source Web Site | MudLord's BASSMIDI Driver Repository (Previous Versions)
¥Weeds¥ BASSMIDI Driver Repository (Previous Versions) | Download SoundFont for BASSMIDI Driver

BASS Audio Library Web Site | Download BASS Audio Library Update (BASS.dll)
BASSMIDI Audio Library Web Site | Download BASSMIDI Audio Library Update (BASSMIDI.dll)
Download BASS Audio Library Beta "Stuff" Version | Download BASSMIDI Audio Library Beta "Stuff" Version

BASSMIDI Driver MIDI Implementation Chart | BASSMIDI Driver Installation and Configuration Instructions
BASSMIDI Driver Readme | BASSMIDI Driver Version History | BASSMIDI Driver License

Other Downloads and Internet Links

Rich „Weeds„ Nagel's Original Music Compositions
¥Weeds¥ General MIDI SoundFont v3.0

Rich „Weeds„ Nagel

August 2, 2012
(Rev. 3.1)