# AEstats - Short Intro ######### 09.09.01 15:15 VER: 4.92 by Christoph "AEon" Loewe (C) 1998-2001 Commercial use prohibited! AEon@planetquake.com Welcome to AEstats... a log analyser for 3D shooters... with stats and ranking in html format. Visit http://www.planetquake.com/aeons/aestats for details... News, FAQ, Help, Install, Examples, Files... This document is for you really desperate admins who would like to see some stats under Unreal and Quake II engine games (QuakeII/LithiumII and Rocket Arena II support), Half-Life 1.1+, Half-Life Team Fortress Classic and Half-Life Counter Strike and lots of other games and mods... Also check out my AEstats++ site at http://www.planetquake.com/aeons/aestats++ for the next generation in ranking. Currently under development. # Topics - covered in this documentation ######## - Legal - Disclaimer/Copyright - Supporting AEstats - Installation - AEonsDMmod Installation - Unsupported - Quick and Dirty Test - How to generate log files - preAEs: Command Line Parameters - preAEs: use of Jokers (parse multiple log files) - AEstats: Command Line Parameters - Using the Player name Banlist - Buddy List - Using the Player name Alias List - Configuring AEstats - Skinning AEstats - The Alternate Ranking - The Elo Ladder - Incident Barrier - Joining Meta Log Files - Running several servers through AEstats - Bug Reports - Comments and the like - History # Legal - Disclaimer/Copyright ############################## The AEstats package was developed for the community and is provided for free (for now). Please support development with a donation: http://www.planetquake.com/aeons/aestats/donations.html This means you may use the AEstats package for hobby non-profit purposes. Commercial use is strictly prohibited (see below). Copyright --------- the AEstats package comprised of the modules preaes, aestats, and accompanying support files is copyright (c) 1998-2001 by christoph 'æon' loewe. Disclaimer ---------- i (aeon) am providing the AEstats package as is, there is no warranty whatsoever. install and use it at your own risk. Commercial use -------------- Commercial use is prohibited! Any profit orientated site that wants to use the AEstats package is required to contact me by email: AEon@planetquake.com Special agreements will have to be reached prior to being allowed to use the AEstats package. # Supporting AEstats #################### If you like the AEstats package, but would like to see your favorite game or mod supported then collect some log files for that game/mod and send them in. Zipped please. I will look into those logs and see what I can do. Also think about supporting AEstats by making a small donation (http://www.planetquake.com/aeons/aestats/donations.html). this will ensure further development of your favorite stats tool. # Installation ############## Read the comments below (see 'Quick and Dirty Test') or visit http://www.planetquake.com/aeons/aestats under "installation" for details... # AEonsDMmod Installation ######################### To install AEonsDMmod for Unreal/Unreal Gold support: Copy the files AEonsDMmod.int and AEonsDMmod.u to your Unreal/System directory and add the following line under the [Engine.GameEngine] section of your Unreal.ini file: ServerPackages=AEonsDMmod Run Unreal/Unreal Gold and select "AEons DM" for the multiplayer or botmatch game type. Advanced options for AEonsDMmod can be found in Unreal/Unreal Gold's "Advanced Options\Game Types\AEons DM". # Unsupported ############# The AEstats archive will now also feature some scripts that will help admins to control AEstats. Note these scripts are provided as is. Copyright is with the respective owners. If you have trouble with the scripts email *those* folks, do not email AEon, thanx. - unsupported\andy-slackware\bigstats (.txt) Control HL stats under Linux via cron. ((c) 1999 Andy root@slack.slackmaster) - unsupported\autoq3stats\ Autoq3stats v1.2 Control Q3A stats under win32, shut down q3a server, get logs, parse logs, upload output page to web server... read the commented scripts for details... "Autoq3stats.bat uses several other programs and batch files to copy, process, rename and ftp the stats for Quake III Arena. It also restarts Quake based upon the config files that are setup and stored in the baseq3 or MOD folder or where ever you point it to." ((c) 2001 Don Hatcher dfm_metalplane@dafonemen.com) # Quick and Dirty Test ###################### 0. w95 DOS Box Test: cd into the AEstats/ directory 1. preAEs.exe -ut logs/ut*.log Preparser generates a Meta Log file that will be used by the parser. Yields: logs/ut.mlg preParser options: -aq2 Action Quake II. -ci Cold Ice (Half-Life Mod). -cs Counter-Strike (Half-Life Mod 1.1+). -cut Chaos UT (Unreal Tournament Mod). -dk Daikatana -dmc Deathmatch Classic (Half-Life Mod). -ea Eternal Arena (Q3A Mod). -fa Firearms (Half-Life Mod v2.5, 1.106 logs). -flf FrontLine Force (Half-Life Mod v1.2a+). -gw Global Warfare (Half-Life Mod). -hh3 HeadHunters III (Q3A Mod). -hl Half-Life v1.106 logs. -hr2 Heretic II log. -hx2 Hexen II. -inf Infiltration (ngStats logs, UT Mod). -kp Kingpin. -opf Opposing Force (Half-Life Mission Pack). -oz OZ (Half-Life Mod). -pka PainKeep Arena (Q3A Mod). -q2 QuakeII log with LithiumII mod. -q3a Quake III Arena (Retail, Rocket Arena III, Q3: Team Arena). -q3r Rail Arena (Q3A Mod). -qw QuakeWorld (frag logs, not the console dumps!). -ra2 Rocket Arena II mod log. -sf Strike Force (ngStats logs, UT Mod). -si Science and Industry (Half-Life Mod). -sin SIN log. -sup Superheroes (Q3A Mod). -t Tribes. -t2 Tribes 2. -tc True Combat (Q3A Mod). -tf Team Fortress (for Quake). -tfc Team Fortress Classic (Half-Life 1.106 logs). -to Tactical Ops (ngStats logs, UT Mod). -u Unreal's log using AEonsDMmod. -urb Urban Terror (Q3A Mod). -ut Unreal Tournament (ngStats logs) -v Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force -wfa Weapons Factory Arena (Q3A Mod, v1.1+). -wl Wasteland (Half-Life Mod). -wod Weapons of Destruction (Quake II Mod). -wq2 Weapons Factory Quake II. 2. AEstats.exe logs/ut.mlg (the '/' is unix-style, use it even under DOS!) 3. Generates Ranking in HTML form. Browse: stats/index.html Another example by Andy Dunn (Thanx!): preAEs.exe -hl ../SIERRA/Half-Life/valve/logs/*.log AEstats.exe ../SIERRA/Half-Life/valve/logs/hl.mlg Example Batch file: cd \AEstats preaes.exe -hl ../SIERRA/Half-Life/valve/logs/*.log AEstats.exe ../SIERRA/Half-Life/valve/logs/hl.mlg exit NOTE: Under DOSbox AEstats uses a "Linux/Unix" *Emulation* mode where all paths/directories use the "/" as a delimiter not "\" like under normal Win32. For example "F:\ace\" needes to be "//f/ace/". # How to generate log files ########################### Visit http://www.planetquake.com/aeons/aestats Under "preparser" for details... (In most cases a "set logfile 1" will work on the Quake 2 Engine based games.) In the case of Quake III Arena: --------------- - Under Win32 by default a games.log will be generated in baseq3/ ... or in the mod directory, if you are running a mod. Note: AEstats has no use for the qconsole.log file! This can be parsed by preAEs using the "-q3a" option. logfile "3" - enables logging of games g_log "games.log" - sets the target file g_logsync "0" - forces Q3A to write in chunks of data, instead of writing permanently my test server.cfg looks like this: logfile 3 g_log "q3a-aes.log" g_logsync 1 //forcing immediate writes map q3dm17 and start it via: QUAKE3.EXE +set dedicated 2 +exec server.cfg Notes: - by default "logfile 1" produces the file "qconsole.log" - logfile 0 //no logfile (duh:) - logfile 1 //buffered - logfile 2 //continuous - logfile 3 //append <- recommended - Under Linux a games.log will NOT be generated on a dedicated server for some reason. But you can redirect the standard error messages into a log file and parse that. I use this alias to run a dedicated server: alias q3a 'cd /home/q3a/; ./linuxquake3 +set dedicated 2 +exec aeserver.cfg >>& /home/q3a/q3a-err.log &' Simply type q3a in the shell to run the server. Note that ">>&" will append-redirect the frag info into a log file. Let's see some Q3A servers out there with AEstats support :). Half-Life and Mods (Counter Strike, Opposing Force, OZ, --------- Team Fortress Classic, War In Europe) - Use "set logfile 2" and "log ON" to turn on logging. Unreal Tournament (4.05+) ----------------- - AEstats supports the ngStats log files built into UT. - Activate logging: In menu Options/Preferences/Game turn on "ngStats Local Logging" - The UnrealTournament\Logs\ directory will then contain .log files to parse. - Note: The .tmp files are incomplete log files. These might not fully work with AEstats. - preParse with e.g.: "preAEs -ut *.log" Tribes 2 -------- if you are running a tribes 2 server and want to use aestats to calculate stats and ranking out of logs, then you will have to turn on the obituaries with: $logechoenabled=1; otherwise tribes 2 only generates logs that are useless to aestats. # preAEs: Command Line Parameters ################################# Just run preAEs.exe without an option to get a short help: ->>./preAEs.exe<<- : [-notes] - file1.log file2.log ... v4.92 09.09.01 13:48 generates Meta Log files out of misc log files. -notes : Optional... will dump extra Weapon, Player and Map lists & the metalog shows Weapon,Item, Damagetypes as text!. DON'T use this option if you plan to use AEstats.exe. Mode : Set by one of the following switches. -aq2 Action Quake II. -ci Cold Ice (Half-Life Mod). -cs Counter-Strike (Half-Life Mod 1.1+). -cut Chaos UT (Unreal Tournament Mod). -dk Daikatana -dmc Deathmatch Classic (Half-Life Mod). -ea Eternal Arena (Q3A Mod). -fa Firearms (Half-Life Mod v2.5, 1.106 logs). -flf FrontLine Force (Half-Life Mod v1.2a+). -gw Global Warfare (Half-Life Mod). -hh3 HeadHunters III (Q3A Mod). -hl Half-Life v1.106 logs. -hr2 Heretic II log. -hx2 Hexen II. -inf Infiltration (ngStats logs, UT Mod). -kp Kingpin. -opf Opposing Force (Half-Life Mission Pack). -oz OZ (Half-Life Mod). -pka PainKeep Arena (Q3A Mod). -q2 QuakeII log with LithiumII mod. -q3a Quake III Arena (Retail, Rocket Arena III, Q3: Team Arena). -q3r Rail Arena (Q3A Mod). -qw QuakeWorld (frag logs, not the console dumps!). -ra2 Rocket Arena II mod log. -sf Strike Force (ngStats logs, UT Mod). -si Science and Industry (Half-Life Mod). -sin SIN log. -sup Superheroes (Q3A Mod). -t Tribes. -t2 Tribes 2. -tc True Combat (Q3A Mod). -tf Team Fortress (for Quake). -tfc Team Fortress Classic (Half-Life 1.106 logs). -to Tactical Ops (ngStats logs, UT Mod). -u Unreal's log using AEonsDMmod. -urb Urban Terror (Q3A Mod). -ut Unreal Tournament (ngStats logs) -v Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force -wfa Weapons Factory Arena (Q3A Mod, v1.1+). -wl Wasteland (Half-Life Mod). -wod Weapons of Destruction (Quake II Mod). -wq2 Weapons Factory Quake II. Log file: Log file(s) from the above list. The log files HAVE to be for the SAME game! e.g. u.log -> Meta Log Naming: u.mlg E.g.: ./preAEs.exe -hl hl.log //Half-Life Log File ./preAEs.exe -u u/*.log //All Unreal log files in u/ ./preAEs.exe -notes -u u/*.log //Extra info for Notes DB. # preAEs: use of Jokers ####################### You can parse more than one log file, and let preAEs combine all the data into one meta log file. e.g.: preAEs -ut mylogs/*.log will go through all files that end on ".log" in your "mylogs/" directory and generate one big meta log file named "mylogs/u.mlg". # AEstats: Command Line Parameters ################################## Just run AEstats.exe without an option to get a short help: ./AEstats.exe [-cfg ./AEstats.cfg] [file.mlg] v4.92 09.09.01 14:35 generates HTML stats out of Meta Log files. -cfg : This parameter lets you choose a config file other than the default './AEstats.cfg' in the current directory. file.mlg : A META LOG file generated with preaes. Supported Games : Unreal Half-Life Quake II/Lithium II Rocket Arena II SIN Heretic II Half-Life Team Fortress Classic Quake 3 Test Half-Life Counter-Strike Half-Life OZ Quake Team Fortress Kingpin Action Quake II Hexen II Unreal Tournament Half-Life War In Europe Quake III Arena Opposing Force Daikatana Start Trek Voyager Elite Force Weapons Factory Arena Weapons Factory Quake II Half-Life Cold Ice QuakeWorld Tribes Half-Life Wasteland Half-Life Firearms Half-Life FrontLine Force Half-Life Deathmatch Classic Half-Life Science and Industry Urban Terror for Q3A Eternal Arena for Q3A Tactical Ops for UT Infiltration for UT Chaos UT Half-Life Global Warfare Tribes 2 Weapons of Destruction for Q2 Strike Force for UT Rail Arena for Q3A Superheroes for Q3A PainKeep Arena for Q3A HeadHunters III for Q3A True Combat for Q3A e.g.: ./AEstats.exe logs/ut.mlg //UT meta log file. ./AEstats.exe -cfg ./cfg/My_HL_AEstats.cfg hl.mlg //Use own HL cfg. # Using the Player name Banlist ############################### Simply enter the player names you don't want to see in Ranking into the file: banlist.txt One name per line. These will be filtered out, and will not appear in the meta log file (.mlg). v4.16+ now use double quotes (") as special characters in name banning... e.g.: "abc <- must end on abc abc" <- must begin with abc "abc" <- must be abc (exact match) abc <- must contain abc (default, substring matching) player" <- Will kick all names that *begin* with "player". Note: Name banning is *not* case sensitive (AbC = abc) ! # Buddy List ############ Works just like the BanList and uses all the BanList parameters (jokers etc.). A Buddy List will only Rank those players that are actually IN the banlist.txt. Simply use the "!" as the first character in any line of banlist.txt. You there by "reverse" then banning making it a buddy list: !"abc <- buddy must end on abc !abc" <- buddy must begin with abc !"abc" <- buddy must be abc (exact match) !abc <- buddy must contain abc (default, substring matching) !player" <- Only Rank names that *begin* with "player". # Using the Player name Alias List ################################## If you have players on your server that played under several names by accident, then you can now assign those aliases to one 'proper' name. This can be done in the file: alias.txt The format of the alias.txt: For each 'proper' name you can have as many alias names as you like. These alias names are then replaced by the 'proper' name. E.g. for two Name/Alias Blocks: Axe <- 1. proper name The evil one <- 1. alias The bad <- 2. alias The naughty <- 3. alias <- Required blank line to mark end of 1. name alias list Blade <- 2. proper name Nuke 'em all! <- 1. alias of 2. 'proper' name Also see the alias-example.txt file. Note: - Alias compare is *not* case sensitive (AEon = aeOn)! - Alias compare is done on the filtered names, as they appear on the HTML stats pages. *Not* as in the original log files. This should make it simpler to type colored name and the like. # Configuring AEstats ##################### Note: AEstats was developed under W98 and uses the Cygnus GCC compiler package. This originated from the Unix/Linux world, therefore the paths to files are Unix conform and us "/" instead of "\" as path/directory separator: set path ./stats/ instead of "set path .\stats\". There are tons of other things in .cfg file. Control the N° of ranked players (90 by default) with : // // The Maximum number of players that will be shown/ranked. // If less players where seen, then *all* those will be ranked. // 90 set MaxPlayersRanked 90 # Skinning AEstats ################## Since AEstats v4.64 you have far more control on the output HTML page coloring and skins. Just look into the AEstats.cfg for details on this. Set the colors of all header HTML files with HTML_BODY, or define the mouseover properties and colors of links with the HTML_A* commands, or set the background colors of tables with HTML_bgcolor_* or finally define the font colors used throughout with HTML_fontcolor_*. // // used on all pages... set HTML_BODY BACKGROUND=./headers/background.gif BGCOLOR=#000000 TEXT=#FFFFFF LINK=#D65C53 VLINK=#A9A4A4 alink=#FFFFFF // Javascript Mouseover links colors/styles // used on all pages... set HTML_Alink A:link {color: #6181af; text-decoration: none}} set HTML_Avisited A:visited {color: #6181af; text-decoration: none}} set HTML_Aactive A:active {color: #e25932;}} set HTML_Ahover A:hover {color: #e25932;}} // " (Thanx Keith Lord) - Added Cold Ice (a Half-Life Mod) support... 16 weapons and 5 suicides are recognized. (Thanx PeterJ) v4.51 - Added Counter-Strike 1.0 Support... 3 new weapons... "FiveSeven", "Sg550", and "Ump45" - UT-Infestation & UT-Strike Force Support... 11 new weapons... "AT4", "Frag Grenade", "Glock21", "HK69", "M16", "M3S90 Shotgun", "M9 Pistol", "MP5", "PSG", "Parker Hale 85", "Robar" (Thanx to Rob Willoughby) v4.49 - Weapons Factory Arena 1.1 Support... In all 53 frag related obituaries and 17 suicide related obituaries are recognized. v4.48 - Counterstrike 7.1 Beta Update... Added the 'headshot' obituary and three new suicide forms: 'World: Vehicle', 'World: Headshot' and 'Self: Headshot'. - Unreal Tournament Update... Names of fraggers and fragged will be HTML-filtered, to avoid invisible names like ''. - Voyager Support... Tested AEstats with latest Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force logs... works fine. - Changed the HTML-header files a bit. [M7] no longer wanted to be mentioned. v4.47 - Counterstrike 7.0 Beta Update... Added the Dual Baretta to the list of weapons. v4.46 - Daikatana bug fix... Fragged and Fragger where inverted. All Daikatana ranking yielded wrong results. *sigh* v 4.45 - Full Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force Support. 28 frag obituaries and 17 suicides (Note: The Demo mentions all weapons so that I can already support Voyager retail). - Counterstrike 6.6 Update: The prefixes [CT] or [Terrorist] would still appear in grenade suicides... fixed. v 4.44 - Full Daikatana Support. 27 Weapons and 9 Suicides. v4.43 - Counterstrike 6.5 update ... v4.42 - New Elo Ladder Ranking System... an alternate ranking. Will take into account the players previous frag history. The ranking "knows" how good the 2 players where that did that frag. Fragging stronger players will move you quicker to the top of this open ranking. Suicides are ignored for now. Use "set LadderRanking 1" in AEstats.cfg to activate this new ranking. - Times/Date in Q3A Logs is now fully supported. Since no absolute times are in the log files, I use the log file's creation date. - Weird "un-printable" characters are now filtered out of Q3A player names. The color escape character "^" is properly parsed. - Updated Unreal Tournament (4.05+) Support. 5 further suicides: RocketDeath, Shredded, Eradicated, Decapitated, Pulsed - Buddy List == Inverted ban list option in .cfg file... Use a "!" in the banlist.txt to activate this mode. - Player names are no longer case sensitive. - Tested Counter Strike 6.1 logs. Work fine. - Fixed bug in HTML output tables where you would have 2 closing
tags. v4.38 - Updated Unreal Tournament (4.05+) Support. 3 new weapons are recognized: Chainsaw, Double Enforcers, Enhanced Shock Rifle 6 further suicides: Asphyxia, Crushed, Destroyed, RedeemerDeath, Suicided, shot - Updated support for Counter Strike 6 New weapons Steyr Aug and MAC-10 recognized. v4.36 - Unreal Tournament (4.05+) Support. Now supports built in ngStats log files. In menu Options/Preferences/Game turn on "ngStats Local Logging", the UnrealTournament\Logs\ will then contain .log files to parse. - The AEstats Mutator for UT is no longer supported. - Long Q3A Loglines would not be properly read, this way map names where ignored at times. Fixed. v4.33 - Fixed y2k problem in dates... - Counter Strike 5.2 support updated, recognises: "Benelli XM1014", "Concussion Grenade", "killed self with grenade". - Support for Opposoning Force... in there. 11 news weapons and 7 new suicides. - Header Files now have "Commercial use prohibited!" text in there. - Fixed Kingpin bug will cut off names... H.G.M. frags only as it seems... - and will now be configurable. using global info struct to remember them. Works fine... for IE5 :)... AEstats.cfg under "set FontSize1 -1" and "set FontSize2 -2" v4.30 - Quake III Arena Support. Already supports the "Gold" Version of Q3A. BFG and Grenade Launcher, along with all possible suicide forms are present. Colored names are filtered out. Will parse games.log files and also Linux dedicated server logs. Logs from q3test v1.08 onward should work too. - banlist.txt will now also ban players called "UnnamedPlayer", since this is Q3Demo Test's default no-name player name. v4.29 - Counter Strike Beta 4 Support. New weapons: Steyr Scout, Sig P228, HE Grenade, and one new suicide "killed by world with debris". - War In Europe Support, a Half-Life mod. v4.27 - v4.26 did not include cygwin1.dll, sorry - Heretic II Support - SIN Support - Unreal Tournament 3.38 Update - U4E Support (Mutator for Unreal Tournament) - Hexen II updated v4.22 - Unreal Tournament Demo Support. AEstatsMutator.u provided. Read System\UnrealTournament-322\AEstatsMutator.txt for details. - Counter Strike Beta 3 Support. New weapons: Knife and P90. - Hexen II update... 3 extra frag lines recognized. - AEstats.exe optimized. Up to a factor of 4 faster now. - Linux bug in time/date calculations fixed. v4.19 - Unreal 2.25f Support - Hexen II Support - Players can have several aliases, can be ranked with one "proper" name. Controlled via alias.txt file. (See AEstats.txt file). - The "IncidentBarrier" parameter in the AEstats.cfg file had some bad bugs in 4.16. Now it really works :). Filter out players with low frag counts! - In preparation: Tribes, OSP (a HL Mod), Daikatana (Client-side) support. v4.16 - Action Quake II Support - Name banning via banlist.txt now uses double quotes (") as jokers. (See AEstats.txt file). - The "IncidentBarrier" parameter in the AEstats.cfg file, now properly calculates the player incidents in ranking. - Half-Life now recognizes "killed by world with tripmine"... - Linux Alpha binaries included. - In preparation: OSP (a HL Mod), Daikatana (Client-side) and Hexen II support. v4.13 - Preparser would not properly differ between -tf and -tfc. Fixed. v4.12 - Kingpin Support - Quake Team Fortress Support - Counter Strike 2.01 Update Supported, 3 new weapons added. - Colored names of TF are converted to legible characters. - AEstats.cfg has a "MoreWeapsShowUsedOnly" variable, this lets admins make the HTML weapon table nicer. If a game has more than e.g. 16 weapons (like TF & TFC) then only those that where used by a player are shown. v4.08 - New Ranking used. Folks that play less will have their frags "scaled down", so they won't have such high Ranks. Suicides are symmetrically distributed among your contacts. - OZ Support (a Half-Life MOD, Thanx CompDept) - AEstats.cfg has a "IncidentBarrier" variable, this lets admins kick players that did not play much out of Ranking. Also prohibits 5-minute players from getting too high rankings. - Half-Life now recognizes "killed self with snark" and "killed by world with rpg_rocket" properly (Thanx Craig & CompDept). - Counter Strike now has nice "long" weapon names on the stats pages (Thanx CompDept). - "killed self with world" in CS is used to denote the changing of a team... kicking this line, to show proper suicide stats. - If preAEs finds no frag information, the .mlg only contains 2 lines, the games name and the "bits" that determine what data columns exits. This "frag empty" .mlg file would then crash AEstats (e.g. happened with q3test logs a lot)... fixed! - In preparation Quake Team Fortress. v4.04 - Counter Strike Support (a Half-Life Mod) - q3test 1.08 Support (set logfile 1), e.g. "Lightning Gun" and "Killed Self" recognized. - Slightly improved Ranking. - The Linux binaries will now be available for glibc5 and glibc6. - HL's 'ran into own tripmine' & 'satchel trigger happy' where sorta swapped. v4.02 - TFC/HL support also for Linux dedicated servers. - q3test 1.05 client side (set logfile 1) support. v3.99r3 - Fixed AEonsDMmod.u bug where Player names where not properly logged. - Unreal uses the item "Invisibility" now not "Invisibilty" - Unreal knows the environment info "None" now. - Global Stats Misc Info... had problems with netscape. Fixed. - Same build as 3.99 but now with x86 Linux executables. - Half-Life Team Fortress Classic (TFC), full support. - Preparse TFC log files with the -tfc command line parameter. - AEonsDMmod.u AEonsDMmod.uc (source), AEonsDMmod.int and Unreal.ini updated and should now work with Unreal 224. - New preAEs and AEstats executable files. - Fixes a really bad memory leak that was causing lots of trouble with log files out there. v3.98b - Half-Life support - "Best Of..." page with Connect counts, Time spent playing in server, Maps most played, Frags (Deaths, Suicides, Incidents) per Hour, Players that use weapons most efficiently, Top absolute counts in Frags (D,S,I), List of Top suiciders and how they did it. - Unreal - "AEonsDMmod.u" will now filter out "/" in player/map names. - "AEonsDM.uc" source included - new items: forcefield, invisibilty, enviros: hacked, stomped - Extended .cfg file control, most notably - Ranking can be turned off. - Control the number of players shown on the "Best Of..." page. - preParser: - Player *name banning* available via text file: banlist.txt - Log file lists via use of jokers are possible: e.g. preAEs -u ulogs/*.log Will read all .log files in the ulogs/ directory and join them into *one* metalog file with the name ulogs/u.mlg - Linux binaries included v3.93p - Unreal specific: new AEstats items: "Flashlight", "SCUBAGear", & DT "Destroyed"... - The parser "AEstats.exe" was not compiled with -O2 (optimized)... fixed... - Includes Linux x86 binaries... v3.92p - Unreal specific: AEstats now understands the items: "Translator" & "Flare", and the damage types "Gibbed" and "Suicided"... - If for some reason the weapon was "None" a crash could happen...fixed. - If there was only one fragline for a new map in the log file, then another crash occured... fixed... v3.91p - pre Parser will now also understand old log files generated with the Unreal script module AEonsDMmod.u (pre 3.90b)... - Item "SearchLight" now recognized... - Bug that made Parser crash with "u.mlg" fixed (I hope!) v3.90b - Re-Coded "AEonsDMmod", will now work with Unreal 2.20... - preAEs adapted to work with the above... - The Menu & Logo graphics are by [M7] (m7@bigfoot.de) see his Web at: http://members.xoom.com/M7Arts/ v3.85b - First public release of AEstats AEon (09.09.01 15:45)