Important „Weeds„ AEstats Notes =============================== You must use AEstats version 4.92 for Unreal and Unreal Gold, as the newer AEstats version 5.39 (or any version newer than version 4.92) does *NOT* generate the stats for the resulting HTML files files properly! Also note that Unreal and Unreal Gold requires AEonsDMmod to be installed in order for AEstats to function properly. To install AEonsDMmod for Unreal and Unreal Gold support: Copy the files "" and "AEonsDMmod.u" to your "Unreal/System" or "Unreal Gold/System" directory and add the following "ServerPackages" line under the "[Engine.GameEngine]" section of your "Unreal.ini" file: --- cut here --- [Engine.GameEngine] ServerPackages=AEonsDMmod --- cut here --- Run Unreal or Unreal Gold and select "AEons DM" for the multiplayer or botmatch game type. Advanced options for AEonsDMmod can be found in Unreal or Unreal Gold's "Advanced Options\Game Types\AEons DM" (type "Preferences" in Unreal or Unreal Gold's System Console to access Unreal or Unreal Gold's "Advanced Options" menu). Lastly, note that the following additional deathmatch maps and weapons contained in the "Unreal: Return to Na Pali" expansion pack that is included with Unreal Gold are not supported by AEstats, and will cause the AEstats HTML file generator to crash: DMAthena DMDaybreak DMHazard DMStomp DMSunSpeak DMTerra Combat Assault Rifle Grenade Launcher Rocket Launcher In order to ensure that AEstats will work properly without crashing, do *NOT* play any of these maps (or any other maps that contain these expansion pack weapons). Rich „Weeds„ Nagel 10/01/2009