April 21, 2007 - 12:30am EDT


My hands are barely steady enough to type this message! Tonight I was peacefully laying here in my travel trailer out in the woods listening to Coast to Coast AM on the radio, when all of a sudden I heard the strangest and most ferocious noise outside that I've ever heard in my entire life!!! I almost crapped myself from the sheer fright!!!!!!! Luckily I had my new digital camera handy and rushed outside.

It was pitch black out there, being as I live out in the woods and all, and the wind was strangely strong tonight, rustling the pine trees overhead. Suddenly, I saw the remnants... the LARGEST FOOTPRINT I'VE EVER SEEN IN ALL OF MY DAYS ON THIS EARTH!!!!!!!!!!! As I was looking onward in complete disbelief and awe, suddenly something ran past me and KNOCKED ME TO MY FEET!! I managed to snap off a few additional pics as whatever-it-was darted off into the blackness of the night into the deep woods!!!!

I barely regained my composure enough to come back inside and type up this message post!!! Needless to say, I'll be sleeping with one eye open tonight, with my scattergun close at hand!!!!!!!!!!!!

PLEASE!!! Pass this pic on to all of the people in your email address book, all of the blogger and message forums that you frequent, and tell all of your friends! Warn them that something strange is watching us, *WE* *ARE* *NOT* *SAFE* ***ANYMORE***!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!1!! WTF!!!11!!11

Click below for a larger version of the picture. OMG! WTF!!!1!!11!

"Ya can't fix stupid..." - Ron White