Quadra Theme Documentation and Templates ======================================== ©Copyright 2008, Rich „Weeds„ Nagel - Some rights reserved Contents -------- Overview Files Included in this Archive Installation Basic Usage Quadra Replaceable Theme Resources Quadra Background Image and Tetromino Palettes Pure Color Values for Tetris Guideline Tetromino Blocks Quadra Background Images Quadra Palette Utilities Quadra Sound Effects Quadra Redbook Audio CD Music Quadra Wadder Resource Compiler Using New Quadra Themes In Conclusion Legalities Version History ENJOY! Overview -------- This archive contains a collection of files and documents which are useful for creating new themes for version 1.1.8 (or newer) of Ludus Design's EXCELLENT "Quadra" Tetris-styled tetromino game. Find out more about this great freeware Tetris game at http://code.google.com/p/quadra on the Internet! I have been using these files as a base for the theme packs that I have previously created and released for Quadra, and am releasing my template and documentation pack to assist any other budding "Quadra Themer" with creating new themes for the game. Files Included in this Archive ------------------------------ Quadra Theme Templates\ "Quadra Background Image and Tetromino Palettes.gif" - Documentation of the Quadra palette. "Quadra Theme Templates.txt" - This readme file. "Tetris Guideline Tetromino Block Pure Colors.gif" - Base colors for Tetris Guideline tetrominoes. Quadra Theme Templates\Palettes\Background Images\ "Background Image - Fond0.pal" - Jasc format Quadra Level 1 background image and tetrominoes palette. "Background Image - Fond1.pal" - Jasc format Quadra Level 2 background image and tetrominoes palette. "Background Image - Fond2.pal" - Jasc format Quadra Level 3 background image and tetrominoes palette. "Background Image - Fond3.pal" - Jasc format Quadra Level 4 background image and tetrominoes palette. "Background Image - Fond4.pal" - Jasc format Quadra Level 5 background image and tetrominoes palette. "Background Image - Fond5.pal" - Jasc format Quadra Level 6 background image and tetrominoes palette. "Background Image - Fond6.pal" - Jasc format Quadra Level 7 background image and tetrominoes palette. "Background Image - Fond7.pal" - Jasc format Quadra Level 8 background image and tetrominoes palette. "Background Image - Fond8.pal" - Jasc format Quadra Level 9 background image and tetrominoes palette. "Background Image - Fond9.pal" - Jasc format Quadra Level 10 background image and tetrominoes palette. Quadra Theme Templates\Palettes\Tetrominoes\ "Tetrominoes - Fond0.pal" - Jasc format Quadra Level 1 tetrominoes palette. "Tetrominoes - Fond1.pal" - Jasc format Quadra Level 2 tetrominoes palette. "Tetrominoes - Fond2.pal" - Jasc format Quadra Level 3 tetrominoes palette. "Tetrominoes - Fond3.pal" - Jasc format Quadra Level 4 tetrominoes palette. "Tetrominoes - Fond4.pal" - Jasc format Quadra Level 5 tetrominoes palette. "Tetrominoes - Fond5.pal" - Jasc format Quadra Level 6 tetrominoes palette. "Tetrominoes - Fond6.pal" - Jasc format Quadra Level 7 tetrominoes palette. "Tetrominoes - Fond7.pal" - Jasc format Quadra Level 8 tetrominoes palette. "Tetrominoes - Fond8.pal" - Jasc format Quadra Level 9 tetrominoes palette. "Tetrominoes - Fond9.pal" - Jasc format Quadra Level 10 tetrominoes palette. "Tetrominoes - Tetris Guideline.pal" - Jasc format Quadra Tetris Guideline tetrominoes palette. Quadra Theme Templates\Palette Utilities\FS Screen v1.1\ "FSScreen.diz" - FS Screen v1.1 BBS description file. "FSScreen.exe" - FS Screen v1.1 utility. "FSScreen.jpg" - FS Screen v1.1 preview screenshot. "FSScreen.txt" - FS Screen v1.1 readme. Quadra Theme Templates\Palette Utilities\GeneRally Palette Editor v1.0\ "GRPalEdit.exe" - GeneRally Palette Editor v1.0 utility. "GRPalEdit.txt" - GeneRally Palette Editor v1.0 readme. "GRPalEdit1.gif" - GeneRally Palette Editor v1.0 preview screenshot. "GRPalEdit2.gif" - GeneRally Palette Editor v1.0 preview screenshot. "GRPalEdit3.gif" - GeneRally Palette Editor v1.0 preview screenshot. Quadra Theme Templates\Palette Utilities\HTML Color v1.4\ "HTMLColor.exe" - HTML Color v1.4 utility. "HTMLColor.hlp" - HTML Color v1.4 help. Quadra Theme Templates\Palette Utilities\Palette Converter and Editor v1.1\ "PalEdit.exe" - Palette Converter and Editor v1.1 utility. "PalEdit.txt" - Palette Converter and Editor v1.1 readme. Quadra Theme Templates\Palette Utilities\Pixie v3.1\ "Pixie.chm" - Pixie v3.1 help. "Pixie.diz" - Pixie v3.1 BBS description file. "Pixie.exe" - Pixie v3.1 utility. "Pixie.txt" - Pixie v3.1 readme. "Pixie.url" - Pixie v3.1 Internet link. Quadra Theme Templates\Resource Compiler Utility\Wadder\ "Compile.bat" - Wadder resource compiler utility batch file. "Resources.txt" - Wadder resource compiler resources list. "Wadder.exe" - Wadder resource compiler utility. Quadra Theme Templates\Resource Compiler Utility\Wadder\Demos\ "Demos.txt" - Demos resource directory information. Quadra Theme Templates\Resource Compiler Utility\Wadder\Fonts\ "Fonts.txt" - Fonts resource directory information. Quadra Theme Templates\Resource Compiler Utility\Wadder\Images\ "Images.txt" - Images resource directory information. Quadra Theme Templates\Resource Compiler Utility\Wadder\Sons\ "Sons.txt" - Sons resource directory information. Quadra Theme Templates\Resource Compiler Utility\Wadder\Textes\ "Textes.txt" - Textes resource directory information. Quadra Theme Templates\Selections\Attack Meters\ "Attack Meter - All.sel" - Paint Shop Pro selection file. "Attack Meter - Left.sel" - Paint Shop Pro selection file. "Attack Meter - Middle.sel" - Paint Shop Pro selection file. "Attack Meter - Right.sel" - Paint Shop Pro selection file. "Attack Meter Grid - All.sel" - Paint Shop Pro selection file. "Attack Meter Grid - Left.sel" - Paint Shop Pro selection file. "Attack Meter Grid - Middle.sel" - Paint Shop Pro selection file. "Attack Meter Grid - Right.sel" - Paint Shop Pro selection file. Quadra Theme Templates\Selections\Pits\ "Pit - All.sel" - Paint Shop Pro selection file. "Pit - Left.sel" - Paint Shop Pro selection file. "Pit - Middle.sel" - Paint Shop Pro selection file. "Pit - Right.sel" - Paint Shop Pro selection file. "Pit Grid - All.sel" - Paint Shop Pro selection file. "Pit Grid - Left.sel" - Paint Shop Pro selection file. "Pit Grid - Middle.sel" - Paint Shop Pro selection file. "Pit Grid - Right.sel" - Paint Shop Pro selection file. Quadra Theme Templates\Selections\Playfields\ "Playfield - All.sel" - Paint Shop Pro selection file. "Playfield - Left.sel" - Paint Shop Pro selection file. "Playfield - Middle.sel" - Paint Shop Pro selection file. "Playfield - Right.sel" - Paint Shop Pro selection file. Quadra Theme Templates\Templates\Attack Meters\ "Attack Meter Grid.png" - PNG format template image. "Attack Meter.png" - PNG format template image. Quadra Theme Templates\Templates\Pits\ "Pit.png" - PNG format template image. "Pit Grid.png" - PNG format template image. Quadra Theme Templates\Templates\Playfields\ "Playfield - All.png" - PNG format template image. "Playfield - All.psp" - Paint Shop Pro v7.04 layered template image. Installation ------------ To install the Quadra Theme Documentation and Templates, unzip Weeds_Quadra_Theme_Templates.zip to any directory on your hard drive, maintaining the directory structure within the archive. To upgrade the Quadra Theme Documentation and Templates any previous versions, simply overwrite the existing files within the same directories. Basic Usage ----------- Load any of the files into your image, palette, or text editing utility of choice, and modify (or copy and paste) away! Quadra Replaceable Theme Resources ---------------------------------- Note that all of the original Quadra theme resources listed below can be downloaded from the Quadra Source Code section at http://code.google.com/p/quadra on the Internet. These original theme resource files are extremely handy for use as a reference when creating new themes for the game. The following is a list of all of Quadra's resources that can be replaced when creating a new theme for the game: Demo Recordings Demo00.rec = Self-running screensaver demo 1. Demo01.rec = Self-running screensaver demo 2. Demo02.rec = Self-running screensaver demo 3. Demo03.rec = Self-running screensaver demo 4. Fonts Courrier.fnt = Courier in-game text font. Font.fnt = Normal in-game text font. Images Black.png = Plain playfield and black background (refer to the "Quadra Background Images" section below). Cursor.png = Mouse cursor. Debut0.png = "Single-Player Game" highlighted text (English). Debut0F.png = "Single-Player Game" highlighted text (French). Debut1.png = "Multi-Player Game" highlighted text (English). Debut1F.png = "Multi-Player Game" highlighted text (French). Debut2.png = "Demo Central" highlighted text (English). Debut2F.png = "Demo Central" highlighted text (French). Debut3.png = "Highscores" highlighted text (English). Debut3F.png = "Highscores" highlighted text (French). Debut4.png = "Player Setup" highlighted text (English). Debut4F.png = "Player Setup" highlighted text (French). Debut5.png = "Options" highlighted text (English). Debut5F.png = "Options" highlighted text (French). Debut6.png = "Register" highlighted text (English). Debut6F.png = "Register" highlighted text (French). Debut7.png = "Quit" highlighted text (English). Debut7F.png = "Quit" highlighted text (French). Debut8.png = "Ludus Design" and "www.ludusdesign.com" highlighted text. DebutNR.png = Covers "Register" text (after the user purchased the game, when Quadra was still shareware). Debuto.png = Main menu, text and background (English). DebutoF.png = Main menu, text (French). Fond0.png = Level 1 playfield and background (refer to the "Quadra Background Images" section below). Fond1.png = Level 2 playfield and background (refer to the "Quadra Background Images" section below). Fond2.png = Level 3 playfield and background (refer to the "Quadra Background Images" section below). Fond3.png = Level 4 playfield and background (refer to the "Quadra Background Images" section below). Fond4.png = Level 5 playfield and background (refer to the "Quadra Background Images" section below). Fond5.png = Level 6 playfield and background (refer to the "Quadra Background Images" section below). Fond6.png = Level 7 playfield and background (refer to the "Quadra Background Images" section below). Fond7.png = Level 8 playfield and background (refer to the "Quadra Background Images" section below). Fond8.png = Level 9 playfield and background (refer to the "Quadra Background Images" section below). Fond9.png = Level 10 playfield and background (refer to the "Quadra Background Images" section below). GameLvUp.png = "Level Up!" text (English). GamePaus.png = "Pause" text (English). Game_1.png = "1" text. Game_2.png = "2" text. Game_3.png = "3" text. Game_4.png = "4" text. Game_5.png = "5" text. HScor1FS.png = "Play again!" highlighted text (French). HScor2FS.png = "Back..." highlighted text (French). HScore.png = "World highscores" and "Local highscores" text and background (English). HScore1.png = "Play again!" text (English). HScore1F.png = "Play again!" text (French). HScore1S.png = "Play again!" highlighted text (English). HScore2.png = "Back..." text (English). HScore2F.png = "Back..." text (French). HScore2S.png = "Back..." highlighted text (English). HScoreTF.png = "World highscores" and "Local highscores" text (French). Multi.png = Single player and multiplayer game Type/Create/Join/Setup menu, "Demo Central" menu, "Options" menu, and "Register" (credits) screen background. Result.png = "Multiplayer results" menu, text and background (English). ResultF.png = "Multiplayer results" text (French). Setup.png = "Setup player" menu, text and background (English). Setup0.png = "Setup player" highlighted text (English). Setup1.png = "Name" highlighted text (English). Setup10.png = "Move down" highlighted text (English). Setup11.png = "Instant drop" highlighted text (English). Setup12.png = "Rotate clockwise" highlighted text (English). Setup13.png = "Rotate counterclockwise" highlighted text (English). Setup14.png = "Rotate twice" highlighted text (English). Setup15.png = "Set all keys" highlighted text (English). Setup2.png = "Password" highlighted text (English). Setup3.png = "Shadow" highlighted text (English). Setup4.png = "Smooth" highlighted text (English). Setup5.png = "Horizontal speed" highlighted text (English). Setup6.png = "Vertical speed" highlighted text (English). Setup7.png = "Continuous down" highlighted text (English). Setup8.png = "Move left" highlighted text (English). Setup9.png = "Move right" highlighted text (English). SetupF.png = "Setup player" menu, text and background (French). SetupF0.png = "Setup player" highlighted text (French). SetupF1.png = "Name" highlighted text (French). SetupF10.png = "Move down" highlighted text (French). SetupF11.png = "Instant drop" highlighted text (French). SetupF12.png = "Rotate clockwise" highlighted text (French). SetupF13.png = "Rotate counterclockwise" highlighted text (French). SetupF14.png = "Rotate twice" highlighted text (French). SetupF15.png = "Set all keys" highlighted text (French). SetupF2.png = "Password" highlighted text (French). SetupF3.png = "Shadow" highlighted text (French). SetupF4.png = "Smooth" highlighted text (French). SetupF5.png = "Horizontal speed" highlighted text (French). SetupF6.png = "Vertical speed" highlighted text (French). SetupF7.png = "Continuous down" highlighted text (French). SetupF8.png = "Move left" highlighted text (French). SetupF9.png = "Move right" highlighted text (French). Sound Effects (refer to the "Quadra Sound Effects" section below) Blip1.wav Bloop.wav Bubble2.wav Ceramic3.wav Chop2.wav Clang3.wav Click01.wav Click_1.wav Click_3.wav CorkPop.wav Cuckoo.wav Explod03.wav Explod05.wav Explod06.wav FadeOut.wav Glass01.wav Glass03.wav Glass04.wav Glissup.wav HandBell.wav HitWood1.wav Hooter03.wav Knock.wav Metal1.wav Metal3.wav Metal6.wav Pop1.wav Potato_Get.wav Pwap2.wav Smash2.wav Splodge.wav Spring.wav T10Sec.wav T1Min.wav T1Sec.wav T20Sec.wav T2Sec.wav T30Sec.wav T3Sec.wav T4Sec.wav T5Sec.wav TapDrip.wav Water05_1.wav Water05_2.wav Water05_3.wav Whistle1.wav Whistle2.wav Whizz1.wav W_Bayo_0.wav Zingle.wav Game Text Messages Anglais.txt = In-game text messages (English). Francais.txt = In-game text messages (French). GDesc_En.txt = Multiplayer game type descriptions (English). GDesc_Fr.txt = Multiplayer game type descriptions (French). Help_En.txt = Quadra.exe command line parameters (English). Help_Fr.txt = Quadra.exe command line parameters (French). Quadra Background Image and Tetromino Palettes ---------------------------------------------- The information below is a synopsis of the 256-color palettes used for Quadra's background images and tetromino colors (refer to the included "Quadra Background Image and Tetromino Palettes.gif" image file contained in this pack for more detail, as well as the Jasc format background image and tetrominoes palette files contained in the "Quadra Theme Templates\Palettes\Background Images" directory of this archive). The following is a description of all of Quadra's palette indexes (0-255): 0-183 = Level playfield and background image colors. 184-239 = Team and tetromino colors. 241-247 = Tetromino shadow colors. 248-255 = Regular text colors. 0 = Text box background color. 210 = Text box border color. Quadra uses seven different colors for each of the game's seven tetrominoes (I, J, L, O, S, T, and Z), as well as seven different colors for the tetromino shadows. The first color immediately to the left of each of the tetrominoes' seven colors in the palette (as well as the fourth regular text color) is used for the player's name and team text colors in multiplayer games. Quadra uses seven different colors for the game's regular text, as well one color for the text box backgrounds, and one color for the text box borders. Note that the regular tetromino and text colors are also used for sent garbage pieces and the attack meter in multiplayer games (based on the team's color). Also, Quadra uses 184 different colors for each of the game's level playfield and wallpaper background images. Although in actuality, any of the background image palette indexes can be used for the level playfield and background (e.g. the various tetromino, text, and team colors contained in the palette), but palette matching when creating these background images may be quite a task (so that you do not affect the tetromino or regular text colors). FYI: Quadra's seperate tetromino block pieces are 18x18 pixels in size, but this information is not really useful for tetromino editing (as Quadra does not use actual images for the game's tetrominoes, but rather different palette indexes contained within the various level background images). Pure Color Values for Tetris Guideline Tetromino Blocks ------------------------------------------------------- If you wish for the colors of Quadra's tetrominoes to be Tetris "Guideline" compliant, the "pure" color values listed below are helpful for use as a starting point when editing their palette indexes (refer to the included "Tetris Guideline Tetromino Block Pure Colors.gif" image file contained in this pack for more detail). Tetromino Color Red/Green/Blue Hue/Saturation/Lightness I Tetromino Cyan 0/255/255 127/255/128 J Tetromino Blue 0/0/255 169/255/128 L Tetromino Orange 255/128/0 21/255/128 O Tetromino Yellow 255/255/0 43/255/128 S Tetromino Green 0/255/0 85/255/128 T Tetromino Purple 192/0/255 201/255/128 Z Tetromino Red 255/0/0 255/255/128 Shadow Block Monochrome 64/64/64 255/0/64 Garbage Block Gray 128/128/128 255/0/128 Silver Square Silver 192/192/192 255/0/192 Gold Square Gold 255/192/0 31/255/128 Quadra Background Images ------------------------ Quadra uses ten 256-color PNG format images for the game's ten level playfield and wallpaper backgrounds. As previously mentioned, portions of the palette indexes contained in these images are also used for the game's tetrominoes, tetromino shadows, player's name and team text colors in multiplayer games, regular in-game text, text box backgrounds, and text box borders. The following is a list of all of Quadra's playfield and wallpaper background images: Fond0.png = Level 1 playfield and wallpaper background image. Fond1.png = Level 2 playfield and wallpaper background image. Fond2.png = Level 3 playfield and wallpaper background image. Fond3.png = Level 4 playfield and wallpaper background image. Fond4.png = Level 5 playfield and wallpaper background image. Fond5.png = Level 6 playfield and wallpaper background image. Fond6.png = Level 7 playfield and wallpaper background image. Fond7.png = Level 8 playfield and wallpaper background image. Fond8.png = Level 9 playfield and wallpaper background image. Fond9.png = Level 10 playfield and wallpaper background image. Note that Quadra also includes the image file "Black.png", which consists of nothing but plain playfield borders and pits (no wallpaper background), and contains the same palette as Quadra's image file "Fond0.png". Use the included Jasc format palettes, Paint Shop Pro selection files, PNG format template images, and Paint Shop Pro layered template image to create new playfield and wallpaper background images for the game (refer to the "Files Included in this Archive" section above). Lastly, note that the included Jasc format tetromino palette files contained in the "Quadra Theme Templates\Palettes\Tetrominoes" directory of this archive are not complete palette files. These palette files are only the tetromino palette index portions of Quadra's various stock background images, and will require copy and paste editing (using your text editing utility of choice) in order for these palette files to be usable. The Jasc format background image and tetrominoes palette files contained in the "Quadra Theme Templates\Palettes\Background Images" directory of this archive are complete usable palette files, and are included in this pack simply for reference. Quadra Palette Utilities ------------------------ Also included in this archive are a few handy freeware color palette and screenshot utilities, which can be useful for editing and creating new background image palettes and tetrominoes for the game. "FS Screen v1.1" - Windows screenshot utility, works for DOS programs as well. Saves images in BMP format. "GeneRally Palette Editor v1.0" - Palette editor with many advanced gradient functions and features, as well as copying and pasting specific palette indexes. Imports multiple BMP format images and Microsoft format PAL palette files, and exports multiple BMP format images and Microsoft format PAL palette files. Note that this utility is extremely handy when editing and creating new background image palettes and tetrominoes for Quadra! "HTML Color v1.4" - Windows color picker utility. Displays and copies to the Windows' and utility's internal clipboard the value of any color displayed on your Windows desktop. Color values are displayed in HTML, Color Name, RGB, and TColor format. "Palette Converter and Editor v1.1" - Basic palette converter and editor. Imports BMP/GIF format images and Jasc/Microsoft/StarCraft format PAL and WPE palette files, and exports Jasc/Microsoft/StarCraft format PAL and WPE palette files. "Pixie v3.1" - Windows color picker utility. Displays and copies to the Windows' clipboard the value of any color displayed on your Windows desktop. Color values are displayed in CMYK, Hex, HSV, HTML, and RGB format. Quadra Sound Effects -------------------- The information below is a synopsis of the sound effects, and the sound effect file format used for Quadra. All of Quadra's sound effects are unsigned 8-bit monographic WAV format files, with a preset sampling rate of 11,025. Quadra uses many of the same sound effect files for multiple purposes within the game (see below), and the game also changes the pitch of many of the sound effect files by varying the playback sampling rate from 11,025 to 22,050 in real-time. This allows Quadra to sound like that there are many more sound effect files used within the game than are actually included, which allows the overall sound of Quadra to be more interesting and varied during gameplay (using a minimum amount of sound effect files). Due to the variable-pitched method that Quadra uses to playback sound effects, it is advisable to use only a sampling rate of 11,025 for the sound effect files of your theme creations. Otherwise, the pitch of your sound effects may sound way too high (or too low) when playing the game. Note that even though all of Quadra's sound effect files are monographic, unsigned stereo format sound effect files can be used as well (for an overall fuller and richer sound of the game). The following is a list of all of Quadra's sound effect files that are used within the game (again, note that Quadra uses many of the same sound effect files for multiple purposes within the game, as well as varying the pitch of many of the sound effects in real-time during gameplay): GUI Sound Effects Click_1.wav = Highlight menu entry. Blip1.wav = Click menu entry. TapDrip.wav = Highlight button. Glass01.wav = Click button. W_Bayo_0.wav = Enter next menu. FadeOut.wav = Exit previous menu. Level 1 Sound Effects TapDrip.wav = Rotate tetromino. HitWood1.wav = Drop tetromino (variation 1). Chop2.wav = Drop tetromino (variation 2). Metal3.wav = Drop tetromino (variation 3). Pwap2.wav = Clear line, and game-over pit screen wipe. Clang3.wav = Tetromino cascade. Level 2 Sound Effects Click_3.wav = Rotate tetromino. Knock.wav = Drop tetromino (variation 1). Knock.wav = Drop tetromino (variation 2). Knock.wav = Drop tetromino (variation 3). Pwap2.wav = Clear line, and game-over pit screen wipe. Clang3.wav = Tetromino cascade. Level 3 Sound Effects Click_1.wav = Rotate tetromino. Metal3.wav = Drop tetromino (variation 1). Metal1.wav = Drop tetromino (variation 2). Metal6.wav = Drop tetromino (variation 3). Blip1.wav = Clear line, and game-over pit screen wipe. Clang3.wav = Tetromino cascade. Level 4 Sound Effects Click01.wav = Rotate tetromino. TapDrip.wav = Drop tetromino (variation 1). Click01.wav = Drop tetromino (variation 2). Click_3.wav = Drop tetromino (variation 3). Whistle1.wav = Clear line, and game-over pit screen wipe. Clang3.wav = Tetromino cascade. Level 5 Sound Effects CorkPop.wav = Rotate tetromino. Pop1.wav = Drop tetromino (variation 1). Bloop.wav = Drop tetromino (variation 2). Pwap2.wav = Drop tetromino (variation 3). Spring.wav = Clear line, and game-over pit screen wipe. Clang3.wav = Tetromino cascade. Level 6 Sound Effects TapDrip.wav = Rotate tetromino. Knock.wav = Drop tetromino (variation 1). Splodge.wav = Drop tetromino (variation 2). Pop1.wav = Drop tetromino (variation 3). Whistle2.wav = Clear line, and game-over pit screen wipe. Clang3.wav = Tetromino cascade. Level 7 Sound Effects Click01.wav = Rotate tetromino. Glass01.wav = Drop tetromino (variation 1). Glass03.wav = Drop tetromino (variation 2). Glass03.wav = Drop tetromino (variation 3). Glass04.wav = Clear line, and game-over pit screen wipe. Clang3.wav = Tetromino cascade. Level 8 Sound Effects Click01.wav = Rotate tetromino. Water05_1.wav = Drop tetromino (variation 1). Water05_2.wav = Drop tetromino (variation 2). Water05_3.wav = Drop tetromino (variation 3). Bubble2.wav = Clear line, and game-over pit screen wipe. Clang3.wav = Tetromino cascade. Level 9 Sound Effects TapDrip.wav = Rotate tetromino. Explod03.wav = Drop tetromino (variation 1). Explod05.wav = Drop tetromino (variation 2). Explod06.wav = Drop tetromino (variation 3). Ceramic3.wav = Clear line, and game-over pit screen wipe. Clang3.wav = Tetromino cascade. Level 10 Sound Effects Pop1.wav = Rotate tetromino. Knock.wav = Drop tetromino (variation 1). Bloop.wav = Drop tetromino (variation 2). Click_1.wav = Drop tetromino (variation 3). Smash2.wav = Clear line, and game-over pit screen wipe. Clang3.wav = Tetromino cascade. Other Game Sound Effects Cuckoo.wav = Pause game, and start game timer. Hooter03.wav = Start single and multiplayer games, and end single player game. Whizz1.wav = Add garbage to opponent's pit. Potato_Get.wav = Get hot potato. Zingle.wav = Get rid of hot potato. GlissUp.wav = Level advance, and enter "Register" (credits) screen. HandBell.wav = Multiplayer chat message. Countdown Timer Sound Effects T1Sec.wav = Countdown timer (1 second). T2Sec.wav = Countdown timer (2 seconds). T3Sec.wav = Countdown timer (3 seconds). T4Sec.wav = Countdown timer (4 seconds). T5Sec.wav = Countdown timer (5 seconds). T10Sec.wav = Countdown timer (10 seconds). T20Sec.wav = Countdown timer (20 seconds). T30Sec.wav = Countdown timer (30 seconds). T1Min.wav = Countdown timer (1 minute). Quadra Redbook Audio CD Music ----------------------------- Quadra supports Redbook audio CD music tracks for all of it's in-game music, and has an option to change the Redbook audio CD track as you advance through the game's various levels. You can use any Redbook audio music CD for Quadra's in-game music, and the following is one of my favorites that I like to listen to while playing the game: I have been a fan of Jussi "Elwood" Salmela's XM format "Tracker" tunes for many years now, and I used the "Disk Writer" feature of a popular freeware media player utility called "XMPlay" to create WAV format files from Jussi's orginal Tracker tunes. I then burnt the WAV format files to a Redbook audio CD, and the resulting CD makes for excellent background music for Quadra (or any other Tetris-styled tetromino game for that matter, especially if the game supports Redbook audio track changes when advancing through the game's various levels). Find out more about XMPlay at http://www.un4seen.com/xmplay.html on the Internet, download all of Jussi's Tracker music files from http://www.inetware.it/elwood/xm_htm.htm, and then create your own great-sounding music CD for Quadra! Quadra Wadder Resource Compiler ------------------------------- Also included in this archive is the Quadra "Wadder" resource compiler utility (refer to the "Files Included in this Archive" section above). This utility is used to compile all of the resource files of your new Quadra theme creation into a file usable by the game. All of Quadra's original stock theme resources are contained in the file "Quadra.res" (located in your main Quadra game installation directory), and the Wadder utility simply creates another RES format resource file that can be loaded into the game from the command line (refer to the "Using New Quadra Themes" section below). Quadra will then use any new resources that are contained within this new RES format resource file, effectively replacing any of the game's original stock theme resources with the same filenames (refer to the "Quadra Replaceable Theme Resources" section above). The following is the command line syntax for using the Wadder resource compiler utility: Wadder.exe The "" portion of the command line parameters is the drive letter and root directory where Wadder.exe is located on your hard drive, and should also contain subdirectories where the various new resource files of your Quadra theme creation are located. Note that the "working_directory" portion of the command line parameters must include a trailing backslash after the working directory in order for Wadder to compile successfully (e.g. "C:\QuadraThemeProjects\" minus the quotes). Refer to the "Quadra Theme Templates\Resource Compiler Utility\Wadder" directory of this archive for an example of the correct directory structure of a new Quadra theme project. The "" portion of the command line parameters is the filename of the RES format resource file that Wadder creates which will contain all of the resources of your new Quadra theme creation. Note that you must include the ".RES" file extension in order for Wadder to compile successfully (e.g. "NewTheme.res" minus the quotes). The "" portion of the command line parameters is the filename of the resources list file (e.g. "Resources.txt" minus the quotes), which should contain a line-by-line listing of all of the new resources (including their relative directory paths) that you wish to add to your Quadra theme creation. Refer to the included "Resources.txt" text file contained in this pack for examples of the correct syntax of the resources list file. Note that the resources list file should contain only the new replacement resources of your Quadra theme creation, not any resources that already ship with the game that you do not wish to replace (i.e. the included "Resources.txt" text file contained in this pack contains a listing of all of Quadra's replaceable resources, and will require editing for use with Wadder when compiling your new theme creation). The following is a complete example command line for using the Wadder resource compiler utility (refer to the included example "Compile.bat" batch file contained in this pack, which uses the same command line as shown below): Wadder.exe C:\QuadraThemeProjects\ NewTheme.res Resources.txt After successfully running the Wadder resource compiler utility you will find the new compiled resource file "NewTheme.res" located in the working directory of your Quadra theme project. This new compiled resource file is finally ready for use with Quadra! Refer to the "Using New Quadra Themes" section below for more information about how to load your new theme creation into the game. Using New Quadra Themes ----------------------- As mentioned in the "Quadra Wadder Resource Compiler" section above, the Wadder utility creates another RES format resource file that can be loaded into the game using command line parameters (effectively replacing any of the game's original stock theme resources with the new resources contained in your Quadra theme creation). To load your new theme creation into Quadra, simply start the game using the following command line parameter: Quadra.exe -patch NewTheme.res Substitute "NewTheme.res" above with the filename of your new compiled theme resource file. WOOHOO! That's it! Enjoy playing the game using your new Quadra theme... and then ZIP it up and upload it to the Internet for other Quadra players to download and have fun with as well! -:) In Conclusion ------------- I spent the better part of my life for about a week creating this theme documentation for Quadra and the included templates, and I hope they prove useful to someone. Creating new themes for Quadra can be quite a task (and so was creating this Quadra Theme Documentation and Templates pack ), but hopefully it will help other folks with their new Quadra theme creations -:) Questions, comments, bugs, misinformation, or general rants? Drop me a line via email. Anyhow, 'nuff said! Now get off of yer butt and create some cool new themes for Quadra for folks to download and enjoy with the game ! Legalities ---------- The Quadra Theme Documentation and Templates (Weeds_Quadra_Theme_Templates.zip) may be freely distributed in their whole and unmodified form for any non-commercial use, contained in their original unmodified and unedited ZIP format archive, including all documents, text, and support files. Quadra Theme Documentation and Templates - ©Copyright 2008, Rich „Weeds„ Nagel - Some rights reserved All other commercial and/or freeware media and references are trademarked and/or copyright per their respective copyright holders. Version History --------------- v1.0 - First public release. (June 29, 2008) ENJOY! ------ Rich „Weeds„ Nagel richnagel@earthlink.net richnagel@simpilot.net rfnagel@juno.com rfnagel@racesimcentral.com http://www.richnagel.net http://home.earthlink.net/~richnagel http://www.geocities.com/rfnagel http://www.geocities.com/timessquare/metro/7256 http://www.simpilot.net/~richnagel http://www.cmoo.com/snor/ http://www.cmoo.com/snor/weeds/ http://www.cmoo.com/snor/weeds/Tetris!.htm http://www.tetrisconcept.com/wiki/index.php?title=User:Rich_Nagel