@ECHO OFF CLS @ECHO US East Battle.net Server Ping Test v2.0 @ECHO ---------------------------------------- @ECHO NOTE: Press CTRL+C when the message "Request Timed Out" is displayed, and then @ECHO select "N" when the message "Terminate Batch Job (Y/N)?" is displayed. @ECHO. @ECHO Press any key to continue... PAUSE>NUL CLS @ECHO ===============================================================================>>BNetPing.txt @ECHO.>>BNetPing.txt @ECHO -------------------------------------->>BNetPing.txt @ECHO US East Battle.net Server Ping Results>>BNetPing.txt @ECHO -------------------------------------->>BNetPing.txt @ECHO.>>BNetPing.txt @ECHO * US East Battle.net - Server: USEast.battle.net *>>BNetPing.txt @ECHO Pinging US East Battle.net - Server: USEast.battle.net TRACERT USEast.battle.net | MTee /+ BNetPing.txt REM @ECHO Ping 1 of 5, please wait... REM PING USEast.battle.net | MTee /+ BNetPing.txt REM PING mdf1-bi8k-1-eth-2-1.wdc1.attens.net>>BNetPing.txt REM @ECHO ---------------- * Ping 1 of 5 * ---------------->>BNetPing.txt REM @ECHO. REM @ECHO Pinging US East Battle.net - Server: USEast.battle.net REM @ECHO Ping 2 of 5, please wait... REM PING USEast.battle.net | MTee /+ BNetPing.txt REM REM PING mdf1-bi8k-1-eth-2-1.wdc1.attens.net>>BNetPing.txt REM @ECHO ---------------- * Ping 2 of 5 * ---------------->>BNetPing.txt REM @ECHO. REM @ECHO Pinging US East Battle.net - Server: USEast.battle.net REM @ECHO Ping 3 of 5, please wait... REM PING USEast.battle.net | MTee /+ BNetPing.txt REM REM PING mdf1-bi8k-1-eth-2-1.wdc1.attens.net>>BNetPing.txt REM @ECHO ---------------- * Ping 3 of 5 * ---------------->>BNetPing.txt REM @ECHO. REM @ECHO Pinging US East Battle.net - Server: USEast.battle.net REM @ECHO Ping 4 of 5, please wait... REM PING USEast.battle.net | MTee /+ BNetPing.txt REM REM PING mdf1-bi8k-1-eth-2-1.wdc1.attens.net>>BNetPing.txt REM @ECHO ---------------- * Ping 4 of 5 * ---------------->>BNetPing.txt REM @ECHO. REM @ECHO Pinging US East Battle.net - Server: USEast.battle.net REM @ECHO Ping 5 of 5, please wait... REM PING USEast.battle.net | MTee /+ BNetPing.txt REM REM PING mdf1-bi8k-1-eth-2-1.wdc1.attens.net>>BNetPing.txt REM @ECHO ---------------- * Ping 5 of 5 * ---------------->>BNetPing.txt @ECHO.>>BNetPing.txt @ECHO.>>BNetPing.txt @ECHO Refer to the article "Internet Connection Troubleshooting - Trace Route" at>>BNetPing.txt @ECHO http://us.battle.net/support/en/article/performing-a-traceroute for more>>BNetPing.txt @ECHO information about these results.>>BNetPing.txt @ECHO.>>BNetPing.txt @ECHO ===============================================================================>>BNetPing.txt @ECHO.>>BNetPing.txt CLS REM EDIT BNetPing.txt Notepad.exe BNetPing.txt @ECHO These results have been appended to the text file BNetPing.txt, located in the @ECHO current directory. @ECHO. @ECHO Refer to the article "Internet Connection Troubleshooting - Trace Route" at @ECHO http://us.battle.net/support/en/article/performing-a-traceroute for more @ECHO information about these results. @ECHO. @ECHO Press any key to exit... PAUSE>NUL